Chapter 8 : Sinners

Start from the beginning

The boys realize that they can get inside his apartment if Sean asks for some guidance for his class. Sean sighs but believes that it's not a bad idea as long as George doesn't have to be near the danger.

'You are so cute when you try to protect me. Plus the glasses I bought you, really suit you.'

'Well my ulterior motive is to keep you alive until our wedding day. Not really my problem what happens to you after that.', Sean teases him and George hits him with a book on his hair.

Police Department.
Interrogation room.

A police officer tries to understand Alex's story and truth is that the clues do seem like he is telling the truth, but the is one thing that is not present, that is certainly needed...

'I believe you Alex, but there is no one to confirm your story other than your girlfriend. If this goes to court, they will easily overpower both of you.'

'That's really inspiring. What if we find a person who can prove my story?'

'The court is not even needed if that happens. The man will immediately go to jail for the rest of his life.'

'Good.', Alex stops smoking and leaves the room. Diana is waiting at the hall for him and the couple shares a hug...

'How it went?', she asks.

'Let's just hope that your brother and Sean are good detectives, otherwise I will have to keep running or go to jail.'

Diana sighs and he hugs her as tight as he can, knowing that this might be one of their last moments together.


Ramon enters Bluelife looking like a mess and Steven immediately grabs a beer from the bar and waits for him...

'Well, I would ask what's going on, but you did suffer from a major head trauma so...'

'Not funny dude. I know that I was on meds fro a week and a half but, I never expected their side effects to be so obvious.'

'No...tell me you did not had Olivia naked on your bed and you couldn't...'

'Get it on? Yeah that's exactly what I'm saying. I feel terrible. I wanted her but my head was killing me from the sudden moves and I was so dizzy.'

'Thank god Olivia is Olivia and she won't make sassy comments about it.'

'I want to be with her you know. I really do.', Ramon says to his friend and keeps drinking his beer while he feels like he can't please the girl that has stolen his heart.

'Look man, when I came here for the first time, I remember that you were caught up in this weird love triangle between Diana and Alexis. Everyone knew that you and Alexis would end up together but when that happened, it felt underwhelming. The fire you two had when you weren't together was lost the moment you started dating. Diana needs a man to challenge her like Alex, not you. But Olivia challenges you in ways I thought no one could. Don't feel like you are not good enough for her. She knows, but she still loves you.'

'I don't know if I should be flattered or feel even worse by this. Thanks man.', Ramon responds to Steven and they grab two more beers.

Professor's Brayton apartment.

Sean and George climb from the fire escape and break in the professor's apartment from a window. They open their flashlights and look for clues knowing that they don't have much time since the man is on his way home.

Sean checks the office while George the bedroom. He looks under the bed and in the bathroom but then notices something bloody from the wardrobe. He opens it and then asks Sean to come and check it too...

'See? I told ya that we all hide a different kind of person in our closet.'

'Here we go again. Those lifelong lessons that Regina George has given to you.'

'The movie is called Mean Girls and you promised to watch it with me.'

'Not happening. Sorry baby.', Sean says as he puts on his gloves and opens the bloody hidden box. Inside there are many women's underwear just like George's stepfather grabbed them after he killed them. 

'Your stepfather is a kinky serial killer, I have to admit that.'

'Sean, sarcasm doesn't suit you, I have to admit that.', George responds with a fake smile.

The boys put the box back in the wardrobe after taking pictures of it and then Sean asks how are they going to free Alex by some strings.

'I have an idea sweetie, but you are going to have to trust me.'

'Well how bad that can go?', Sean teases him and gives him a quick kiss.

Wilson Manor.
1 hour later.

Olivia is trying to comfort Diana, who is barely handling everything that is going on considering that Alex might end up in jail...

'Hey, you have to trust your brother. He always has your back.'

'Ugh, I know, it's just that I really do miss having some alone time with my boyfriend. I need him Olivia.'

'I almost slept with Ramon today.'

'Almost?', Diana is really curious on why it didn't happen.

'The head trauma...'

'Stop it right there. Maybe that's a sign from God. If I'm not having sex, no one should be.'

'Yeah, I'm pretty sure that this is what God was aiming for.', Olivia sighs and ignores Diana's self centered quotes.

Then Olivia goes to the kitchen and starts eating from Diana's mother cake.


'Bitch, come and get it.', Olivia grabs the cake and starts running around the house and Diana chases her.


The professor returns to his apartment and finds George and Sean sitting at the couch with the lights on. They look into his eyes and smile...

'Sean Tucker? And your boyfriend? What are you two doing here?'

'There is something you should know professor. Something that shouldn't go down like that.'

The professor raises his left eyebrow and he is ready to find out what is going on.

To be continued...

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