xiv. knowing too much

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[ xiv. knowing too much ]

THEY CONTINUED THE search for Rico, but there was no trace of her anywhere. They where all at a loss, the remaining thought believing she was dead. Ymir sat down at the island in the kitchen, resting her head on her hand. "How many of us are left?" She asked hesitantly.

"Ten," Eren immediately said, choking back his tears.

"Great," Ymir sighed and glanced at everyone. Ever since Christa died, she doesn't care about much anymore. Whether she lived or died, she could care less. She's not suicidal, she's just at the point where she could care less if she lived or died.

"When will this be over?" Annie softly asked, sniffling.

"I don't know," Hanji let out a breathy chuckle. Just then, Hanji felt their phone buzz and thought the worst. They hesitantly looked at their phone.

you have (1) new message !

They sighed and clicked on the notification. Hanji soon realised it was from the unknown number guy. They looked at the text and their eyes went wide. It wasn't a dare, but much worse.



( 2 participants )

unknown number
Hello Hanji. I have this video and
I won't hesitate to release it to
everyone if you do not do everything
I say.

[ sent video ]

It as a video of Hanji at a party, the one where every popular kid went. So, they had to go, since they where one of them. It was a video of them beating up some random kid, a solo cup in their left hand. They where laughing, basically spitting in the kid's face. Hanji in the video realised people where filming and started screaming. It was obvious they where drunk, even though they where fifteen.

They started threatening the people filming that they would end up like the kid if that video of them being a dick was released. They where yelling, acting completely crazy and out of it.

Hanji remembered everything, surprisingly, even though they where drunk. The kid had to move schools due to all the bullying. But, that kid didn't say anything, he was actually scared of Hanji. That kid wasn't the only kid Hanji had beaten up in the past, there was actually another one in this room. But, that's a story for another time.

foureyes 👓
ok fine. u got my attention. what do u
want me to do

unknown number
Make sure you all never find Rico.
I will give you her whereabouts but
you better keep your mouth shut.

unknown number
Get rid of Rico. Whatever comes
to your mind, get rid of her. She knows
something you all don't.

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