vi. the weak being the strong

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[ vi. the weak being the strong ]

THIRTEEN TEENS ALL sat uncomfortably in the living room for Petra coming back. "She's not back yet," Hanji muttered as they kept glancing out of the boarded up windows. "I need to go look for her," they sighed as they got up from the chair they were sat in.

"Nobody—," Eren started coughing, "Leaves. Unless we are allowed," he explained weakly, still trying to recover from his dare without any medical attention.

"So what? We just sit here and wait till another one of us dies? Aren't we gonna do something about it?" Hanji asked as they started to get angry. "I'm not you, okay? But I sure as hell know that none of you wanna die."

"Hanji's right," Oluo agreed confidently. "But we need to go somewhere where there aren't any cameras." He pointed to the ceiling, where they all saw multiple cameras set up.

"I've never had cameras in here before," Eren whispered terrifyingly.

"Can you think of anyone you know that was in your house the past couple of days?" Marco questioned, making Eren hitch his breath.

"U-Um, my mom called some electricians a couple days ago. One looked sketchy? I don't know right now." The brunette shook his head and laid it back down on his pillow.

"We can't ask Eren a lot of questions right now," Marco explained with a sigh, trying to comfort his best friend.

"Maybe we can hack the game?" Ymir softly suggested.

"What?" Connie asked, somewhat shocked.

"Hack the game. Find other alternatives to cheat," Ymir explained as she got off the wall she leaning on. "I've done this many times. We need to find other alternatives to cheat ourselves out of the game."

"How?" Mikasa questioned, intrigued.

"Bait." A chill ran down each and every one of their spines, and made their hearts drop.

"But who?" Levi asked, puzzled. It was silent, but Ymir knew the answer.

She let out a breathy chuckle, "Me." Marco's eyes widened and he walked towards her.

"No, no absolutely not. Look, it's dark outside anyway," Marco stated sternly, getting anxious.

"He has a point," Levi added, making Ymir sigh.

"Alright. But tomorrow, we are gonna stop this game," Ymir explained, trying to make sure the person didn't hear. Ymir succeeded, they didn't hear, but they will soon.


Levi and Hanji stayed up to keep watch, just to make sure nothing bad would happen. Before they knew it, it was morning. None of them got much sleep, they all agreed to sleep in the living room to make sure everyone was accounted for. Christa sat up and looked around, as if she was looking for someone. "She's not coming back, is she?" She asked herself in a whisper.

"No, Christa." Christa quickly turned around and saw Sasha's face soften. "She's not coming back." The blonde's eyes started to get glossy. She didn't like Petra, but they dated. Of course, Petra broke her heart, but she was still a person. She didn't deserve to die.

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