x. is it over?

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[ x. is it over? ]

YMIR TRIED TO hold onto the dead girl but was pulled back by Mikasa. She caught her breath and looked at Sasha, who was crying hysterically. "You did this," she exclaimed out of anger. "You did this to her!"

"Don't scream at her!" Connie shouted defensively.

"Your girlfriend killed Christa! Don't tell me what to do Connie. She-" she paused, "killed her because all she thinks about is herself." Connie tuned towards Sasha, who's eyes were wide.

"Is this true?" He asked hesitantly, the girl slowly nodded. Connie's mouth dropped and acted like he was disgusted. He moved away, out of her sight, making her eyes get more glossy.

"It was the only way." Sasha cried and sniffled, trying to stop herself from crying.

"No, no it wasn't! You're just as bad as he is." Ymir felt tears streaming down her cheeks. Just then, she noticed something in the corner of her eye. Christa was disappearing.

"Guys. . ." Marco trailed off as he watched Christa disappear into thin air. Everyone was silent as they watched the body of the girl float away, everyone shocked and scared.

"W-Where did she go?" Annie asked hesitantly. Ymir went over to where the blonde was laying and fell to her knees.

"I don't know." she softly gasped, confused and scared onto what just happened.

"We need to stop this game." Levi informed making people nod.

"But how?" Eren asked as he glanced at Armin, who was beginning to wake up. Annie took notice of this and ran over to help him.

"What? What's happening?" Armin croaked out as he adjusted his focus to everyone.

"Christa is dead," Ymir exclaimed, tears still falling down her cheeks. "And it's all Sasha's fault." The guilty girl shut her eyes tight and continued to sob.

"How many of us are left?" Armin asked as he tried to sit up.

"Twelve." Rico answered disappointingly.

"Someone needs to go back out there. Maybe if we kill him, this will end once and for all," Levi explained as he went over to the kitchen. "And that's exactly what I'm gonna do."

"Levi, what the hell do you think you're doing?" Eren asked as he ran over to him. "Thats a suicide mission."

"If I can outsmart him, maybe this will end." he whispered, making sure the guy didn't hear. Levi was lucky, he didn't hear.

"It should be me going out there." Eren added, becoming guilty.

"It should, but who's stronger?" He looked at the ground then back back up at Levi. "Exactly. Now, do you have a gun?" The brunette reluctantly nodded then ran upstairs.

"Levi, you're gonna get yourself killed." Hanji breathed as they ran their fingers through their tangled fringe.

"And if I do . . . I died for a purpose." he added as he grabbed his coat and walked to the door.

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