iii. let the game begin

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[ iii. let the game begin ]

EVERYONE STARED AT her in confusion. "What?" Marco asked as he stepped closer to her.

"I saw this in a game once," she explained as she walked into the kitchen, towards the table. Her voice getting softer as she did so.

"In a game?" Oluo questioned, almost shocked.

"Yes, yes. In a game," she stated quickly. Ymir grabbed her phone from her pocket and quickly started typing. "This." She stuck her phone in Rico's face, making the girl flinch. Rico took her phone and stared at it in confusion. "I think this mark means we have one life. Like, we're in a game." Ymir's breathing got heavier as she finished explaining. Everyone looked at each other, confusion written all over their faces. "It's about these avatars and they all have multiple marks on their arm. However, we only have one," Ymir paused and looked down at her wrist.

"Keep going," Levi rushed, eager to hear more.

"Okay so, I think the game and this situation we are in have something in common . . ." Ymir trailed off. Rico examined the phone and then slowly handed it back to Ymir, traumatised.

"The main avatar signs people up and they all have to follow these certain tasks. If they don't . . ." Rico trailed off.

"Then they die," Eren finished in disbelief with a gasp.

"Bu-But this, this is different. Like, I don't think we are gonna be doing objectives like the game. I think it's gonna be more modernised," Ymir explained, getting anxious.

"What's the game called?" Christa questioned, intrigued.

"Online," Ymir said, leaving everyone speechless. "I've never played it myself, but I heard it's a very long and tedious game."

"Okay so, how do you win?" Hanji asked, running their hand through their somewhat, tangled fringe.

"When one person survives," Ymir finished in disbelief.

"I-I don't like this," Annie shivered, shaking her head. Petra started laughing, trying to convince herself none of this is real.

"No, no! This is all bullshit, okay?" Petra said as she started to back away. This can't be real, I'm not gonna die like this, she thought to herself. "I'm leaving right now!" She shouted as she ran towards the door, Christa ran after her.

"Petra no!" She ran in front of her, Petra stopped in her tracks. "If you go out there, you may die."

"So what?" She chuckled before throwing her hands up in the air. Just then, Eren heard his phone ding, indicating he got a notification. He ran into the living room and grabbed his phone, staring at the message with fear.

"G-Guys . . ." His voice quivered. Marco walked into the living room and grabbed the phone with no hesitation. His eyes opened wide. Fear overwhelmed him, but he refused to show it.

"Let me handle this," Marco sternly said as he looked up from the phone to face everyone. That were all scared for their lives.

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