vii. you won't hurt me

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[ vii. you won't hurt me ]

ARMIN ARLERT SAT in the living room chair, his eyes glued to his phone screen. He was on the imessage app, about to text someone whom he was the closest with. Ira, his twin sister, they where inseparable. He kept thinking about him dying, will they remember him? Or will there be no trace of Armin Arlert at all, her being an only child? He stared at the screen, wanting to text her so badly. "Don't do it Armin." He heard someone say. He looked up and saw Rico standing beside the chair. "Don't do it."

"What if I die Rico? What if I just become a figment of everyone's imagination. I-I can't kill that guy, look at me! I'm the one that gets picked on at school for being like this. I'm not gonna make it," Armin explained with fear in his voice, but he didn't get emotional.

"Nobody else is gonna die Armin," Rico sighed, even if she knew in the back of her mind that, that may not be true. Armin stared back down at his phone and locked it.

"I hope you're right Rico, because I'm not ready to go," Armin coughed, swallowing the big lump in his throat. Rico stared at the boy, worried for his well-being. She sighed and walked off towards the rest of the group in the kitchen, who where busy thinking of ways to kill the person behind this. Armin laid his head on his hand and stared at his lap, wondering what his family is doing right now.


( 2 participants )

unknown number
Hello Armin. What a pleasure it is to
finally introduce myself.

coconut 🥥
just get it over with please

unknown number
Impatient I see.

unknown number
I get you Armin, I understand you,
unlike most people. So I will go easy on you.

unknown number
Stab annie

coconut 🥥
i can't please no

coconut 🥥
u don't understand. i physically cant
do that. i'm not like u

unknown number
You may wanna rethink your
choice of words Armin. Just make someone
draw blood, and a lot of it.


Armin filled with panic as he stared at the phone. "I can't, I can't, I can't," he whispered to himself.

"Armin?" He heard someone ask. "What's wrong?" He looked up and saw Mikasa, who was confused yet worried. His eyes wandered to Annie, who was also concerned. Armin tried to speak, but he couldn't. He started shaking and tears started to form. Annie quickly ran over and knelt in front of him.

"Just breath Armin," she instructed which made him nod. "Tell me what's wrong."

"I-I have to," he paused. He grabbed his phone and gave it to her. She hesitantly took it and read the messages. Everyone was silent, waiting to hear why he was panicking. Annie's eyes went wide and she slowly handed the phone back to Armin.

"You . . ." she trailed off, "have to st-stab me?" He nodded and all you could hear was some people gasp. "You do what you have to do," Annie cleared her throat. She stood up and walked towards the kitchen.

"Where are you going?" Levi asked confoundedly, making her stop and turn to him.

"To get a knife," she let out a breathy chuckle and walked into the kitchen and opened the drawers.

"I'm not doing it Annie," Armin sternly said as he got up out of the chair.

"Annie, no. We can't have you get hurt," Sasha exclaimed, completely terrified. Annie looked at the ground then back up at everyone.

"What about Armin? If he doesn't do this, he can die," she explained, feeling the tears form in her eyes. She slammed the drawer and walked back into the living room, a knife in her hand. Her eyes locked with Armin's, who was pale in the face. Without any word, she grabbed Armin's hand and placed the knife in it. "Do it. It won't hurt, I promise." He shook his head and backed away.

"What the hell is going on?" Hanji asked, confused onto what the hell is happening.

"Armin is going to stab me," Annie said nonchalantly, no worry in her voice. Unlike Armin, who was on the verge of a panic attack. "You were dared. It's not your fault. I told you, you won't hurt me. And if anything happens to me, I just want you to know that I've had a huge crush on you since fifth grade," she chuckled. "And I had a crush on Hanji for some time, till Jean threatened me." She walked closer to Armin, who was legit frozen. "Do it. You wanna see your sister, and you can't if you don't. So do it." Armin stared at the knife, then back at Annie, who had tears falling down her face. Everyone watched in horror, not wanting to know what happens next.

"I can't," he shook his head, "the guy didn't specify. He said 'just make someone draw blood'. I don't want that someone to be you." And just like that, Armin felt a sharp pain in his abdomen.

"No!" Annie let out a blood curdling scream. Armin slowly fell to the ground, his vision getting blurry. He heard everyone panicking, screaming. He felt someone holding him, multiple people actually.

"Here!" He heard someone scream. He started to feel pressure on the wound. Everyone around him started to whisper, at least, that's what Armin thought. He tried to adjust his eyes as he stared up at the ceiling. He saw a figure over him, a girl with blonde hair, in a bun.

"You're gonna be okay." Just like that, he closed his eyes and all he could hear was silence.

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