xi. sacrificing happiness

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[ xi. sacrificing happiness ]

LEVI AND MIKASA arrived back at Eren's and they both opened the door, seeing the initial reactions of their peers shocked and relieved expressions. "You guys scared the absolute shit out of me." Hanji sighed with relief as they walked towards the two and pulled them into a hug.

"We're okay." Levi added with a smile as Hanji let go. 

"Did you kill him?" Eren asked hesitantly, making Mikasa shake her head.

"I don't think it was him. It was one of his henchmen or something. There's more people involved than we know." Mikasa explained fearfully, making Annie gasp.

"Okay so, we can't go out and sacrifice ourselves anymore, he knows what we're doing. We need to outsmart him to win." Rico explained as she tried to make sense.

"And how do we do that?" Eren asked, confused.

"We actually do the dares." Rico explained, making everyone go silent.

"You saw what happened when we did the dares. Look at Oluo, Armin, even Christa!" Ymir exclaimed with confusion and defence. "We can't keep hurting ourselves and other people."

"Okay so if we don't wanna do the dares and we want this game to end, then what the hell do we do?" Marco questioned, folding his arms.


( to everyone )

unknown number
This is getting boring. We need to spice it up a bit.

unknown number
I'm gonna let you all on a little secret, you see the thick, black mark on your wrist? That indicates your life. When that fades, you lose the game. When Eren entered your names onto the computer, I received all your information, including your body. Which means, I could kill you all in an instant.

unknown number
But I won't, for now.

unknown number
You all have one thing in common, you all are selfish. You hurt the people who try and be your friend, and you just leave him. He tries to be there, but you all forgot about him. But you won't forget about him now.

unknown number
Let's do a round of hide and go seek. You have three minutes to hide. If you get caught, you die.

unknown number
You aren't allowed out of the house. Remember, I'll be watching...GO!

Everyone's hearts dropped and stomachs turned as they started scattering all over the house, every man for themselves. Annie and Rico helped Armin up while Marco helped Oluo.

Mikasa ran into an upstairs room and slammed the door. She leaned against it, her heart racing. It was dark, and she was scared shitless. She started wandering through the dark room to find a light. God, I can't see in here, she thought to herself. Just then, she found a light switch and saw a familiar brunette in the corner. "Mikasa! Fuck you scared me." he sighed in relief as he ran up to hug her. She hugged back, smiling from ear to ear. He pulled back and his face dropped. "We need to hide." he whispered as he took her hand and went to the walk-in closet. He shut the door and boarded it shut, or at least tried to.

"What's gonna happen to everyone?" Mikasa asked in a soft voice. She swallowed the lump in her throat and felt her heart race.

"I don't wanna know, and I don't wanna find out." he whispered back. Just then, they heard footsteps. He shrieked but Mikasa covered his mouth in time. I'm gonna die, I'm gonna die, kept repeating in her head. She let go of him and he started shaking. The footsteps started to get louder and louder and you could see the shadow from underneath the door. Eren's eyes went wide and he shut them tight. Mikasa took notice of this, she didn't want him to get hurt. The door knob started shaking, making Eren almost scream. Mikasa acted fast as she grabbed a baseball bat from the corner and stood up, ready to fight. Then, somebody started roughly banging on the door, trying to beat it down. She shook her head and looked back at the terrified boy, she didn't wanna do what she was about to do next.

She opened the door, revealing another figure all in black. Mikasa swung the bat, hitting the guy and making him wince in pain. Mikasa noticed that the guy had a knife and needed to act quickly. The girl kept beating the man and it looked like she was winning. The man dropped the knife and kept getting beat with the bat. Mikasa took a step back as she watched the man struggle. The girl took a glance at the boy, whose eyes were wide. "Mikasa, watch out!" She whipped her head around and then felt a sharp pain in her chest, a pain that was unimaginable. "No!" She heard the boy scream.

She felt herself getting weaker and her vision getting blurry. Eren screamed and grabbed the baseball bat that Mikasa had dropped. He started swinging and hit the man, tears falling down his cheeks. He beat him out of anger, out of sadness. He beat him with all the energy he had left in his body.

He killed the figure.

Eren ran over to Mikasa, who was on the floor, bleeding out. "You're gonna be okay." he whispered as he sat down beside her. He took off his jacket and placed it on the wound.

"Don't even try." she managed to cough out. "When you see Levi, tell him I didn't suffer, okay? Because . . . I don't suffer when I'm with you." Eren felt more tears sting his cheeks, but he just let them fall. He hated crying in front of people, but he didn't care.

"This is all my fault." he cried as he applied more pressure on the wound. Mikasa took her eyes off the emotional boy and looked up at the ceiling. She took one last smile before closing her eyes, and seeing darkness.

Mikasa didn't wanna take her life, she wanted to live more than anything. She thought she could play basketball and pursue the rest of her life making money off of it. She sacrificed her life not only for Eren, but for Levi. She knew about Levi's crush and that it was Eren. She knew they had a better chance of getting together than her and him. Maybe, if they both got out alive, they would get together. She died for her best friend's happiness, which cost her hers.

JANURARY 19TH, 2020 AT 5:35 P.M.



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