Chapter 99. Doomed

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Why don't you just stop wasting time and talk with Ved? You can even tell Ayush to be there.

What if Ved reacts negatively? You know how protective he is of Ayush, right?

Are you going to sulk like this your whole life, then?

I was doomed - for good.


"What the fuck, Mahek?" Shree shouted loud enough to break my train of thoughts.

"Are you okay?" he asked me and picked up my notebook.

"Why are you so worried about this bitch?" Mahek glared at me and threw a chemical potion on one of my rough books.

"Mahek!" Shree yelled and grabbed her wrist. "Don't try my patience."

"It is because of her, isn't it? She definitely provoked you against me again," Mahek accused while pointing towards me.

"What are you taking about?" I questioned.

Shree told me to ignore Mahek, who was continuously blaming me for coming between her and her boyfriend, and because of me only, Shree was planning on breaking up with her. I had already seen them fighting a lot earlier, but it was really absurd to hear Mahek spewing nonsense and ruining my stationery.

"I am sorry," Shree apologized to me and shot his girlfriend a death glare.

"It is okay," I waved him off and put my spoilt notebooks to dry on the window sill.

I could have beaten Mahek to pulp for messing with me unnecessarily, but I had no strength to waste my time on her; she was the least of my concerns at the moment. Shree managed to move Mahek to her original spot and sighed in relief once Nair Mam entered the lab.

Just like the Chemistry class, I spent rest of my lectures zoning out while receiving taunts from my best friends in between. After that cafeteria incident, I didn't see Ved in any of our common lectures and when I asked Nikhil about it, he informed me that Ved was playing basketball non-stop and avoiding talking to anyone.

I felt my heart losing spirit, but I knew that if I went to check on Ved, Ayush would be there and he wouldn't let me near Ved at any cost. I shook my head dejectedly, and after hearing what Nikhil told me, I felt like the biggest criminal in the whole universe. I ran towards the cafeteria and decided to search for the lunch box which Ved had thrown in the dustbin, but unfortunately, the staff had already emptied the bins.

"Hey, Sandhya."

"Hi, guys." I replied to my classmates, Kriya and Bindu, who told me about their plan of going to Ayush's house for the group project.

"Why don't you come to my house instead?" I offered.

"We thought about it, but you and Kriya live really far. So the only option left was Ayush's home," Bindu answered. "You are coming, right?"

I nodded absentmindedly and the girls left after confirming my decision. With a defeated look, I headed towards the parking lot after the last bell rang. I took out my scooter and waited for Nikhil to arrive as he was in a meeting with his Coach.

"Why are you being distant, Sandy Pandy?"

My cheeks heated up when Ved made himself comfortable on the pillion seat and snaked his right arm around my waist. He pulled me flush against his chest and perched his chin on my left shoulder.

"Did I do something?" he asked in a low voice.

"You are too close," I mumbled under my breath and clutched the scooter's handles tightly.

"I don't care," he deadpanned. "I won't leave you until you tell me what happened."

I glanced around to see if Ayush was in sight and moved a bit away from Ved, but he tightened his hold and shook me from side-to-side, asking for an explanation for my behaviour.

"There is nothing serious," I lied.

"You are lying," he pinched my nose, "but I won't be fooled."

"Ved..." I grumbled and sighed in defeat.

Someone kill me this instant! If Ved doesn't leave me within five seconds, I would end up proposing him in the parking lot.

"Looks like you don't want to share it with me." Ved pouted and got up from the seat.

Just when I thought he would hop off and storm out like earlier, he twisted my head towards him with his right hand and gave me a smooch near the corner of my mouth. His lips lingered there for a moment before he moved his head away and jumped off the scooter.

"Just wait for me, Sandy Pandy," he said and ran a hand through his curly hair.

He winked before turning away and skipping in his bike's direction. Soon after, Nikhil also arrived and tilted his head in confusion.

"Why do you look so flushed?" he queried while sitting behind me.

"Nothing." I shook my head vigorously and started my vehicle.

I zoomed out of the college, and after driving only for a few metres, I told Nikhil to drive and took the pillion seat - I would have ended up getting him killed along with me.

Stop thinking about the kiss, idiot. Did you forget about the group project with Ayush? Just make sure he doesn't murder you tomorrow, or else you won't be able to get together with Princess even in your dreams.

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