running away

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Tuesday 28th April 2020:

So I ran away yesterday.

I was having an argument with my mum, and she was just being so unsupportive, and I just walked out of the door. I don't know what exactly I was planning to do but I walked for a while. And I was angry. Very angry. The second I walked out of the door I regretted it, but I didn't want to go back. Not in the slightest.

I kinda just sat down in a ditch after a while and tried to sleep. I should've gone back I know it. And this family walked passed. They saw me, they thought I was hurt. They talked to me, and convinced me to get up and talk to them. I was a mess, crying and shaking, but I explained that I ran away because my parents wouldn't accept me because I was trans. They were really nice, and helped me, and walked back to my house with me. I have to say, without them I probably would've done something extremely stupid. But I didn't and that's good. The only thing that really hurt about them was they called me "she". Like they didn't even ask my gender or pronouns or even whether I was MTF or FTM after I told them I was trans. And that really hurt.

Anyway, I got back home, and my brother was there. He told me my parents were really worried amd they'd gone to look for me. I felt terrible because it must have been horrible for them. I really wished I hadn't done it, but all I could do was sit on my bed and cry.

And when they came back I guess they were just happy I was there. But I felt like a horrible person for wasting their time. 

But here's a message for everyone who's thinking of doing something stupid.

There are people who love you, people who will fight for you and even die for you. There are people who wouldn't be able to live without you, and might even kill themselves if you weren't there. So stay for them. Together you can get through the bad times. There is light at the end of the tunnel and you just have to open your eyes to see it.

That was very morbid so Imma say, if your parents ever disown you, I'm adobting you and you can be ma babby queerlets


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