Sapphire- The Final Chapter

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Ill never know what it's like to know the sweetness of those lips. I wish I could have altered time at some point so that she could have come into my life sooner. Maybe I should have given up this path of life ages ago.

An all consuming rage took over, realizing that I would never have time to rectify the past or to get my revenge. And as quickly as the rage took over, it was gone, replaced with deep, intense regret.

All those lives I cost so many years ago and it seemed a repeat of it now. Maybe it was somehow just that I should go this way, to know what my crew all those years ago went through, what they felt. Extreme guilt went through me when I thought of Fenik, Jockie and Dorveen and how unfair it was too them. They had followed me loyally and look what it cost them.

And Sapphire. My sweet precious Sapphire who by a twist of fate and an extremely lucky hand of cards was given a chance for a life of freedom. My sweet Sapphire who, when asked what she wanted and to grasp it, grasped my lips. She would never get to live the life I had so hoped for her.

And it was all my fault.

Roarke Bellechasse. Pirate Extraordinaire. Extraordinary Fool.


Sapphire had shocked me senseless by pressing her soft lips against mine. Too shocked to move at first, I felt the tentative movement of her lips. With a deep seated groan, I had taken her in my arms, hauled into my lap and ravaged that beautiful mouth of hers.

I could not stop myself. For the life of me, I didn't wish too. It was like tasting heaven. I felt her arms creep up my chest to wrap around my neck and the sweetest of sighs escaped her.

And then it all went horribly wrong.

The ship jerked and lurched with such viciousness that we were both tossed to the floor. Immediately the red emergency light went on and the alarm was sounded. I was defeaned by the whirring as the evacuation notice peeled through the speakers.

"What on earth?" I breathed. "Are you alright sweetheart?" I asked Sapphire gently as I helped her up to her feet.

"Yes, I believe so. What was that?" she asked, confused.

Just then the evacuation notice cut off and Jockie's panicked voice came through.

"Captain! Cap'n we are under attack. The buggers came out of no where! LearJets 6000 full canons!" Jockie's panicked ranting was cut of as another blast hit and shook the ship senseless. Without further thought, I grabbed Sapphire's hand and ran to the hold.

It was total chaos when I got there. The red light and siren where still going at full potential. I few of the techs were sprawled on the floor, unconscious. Equipment hung in ruins from the walls and ceiling, some dangling precariously from thin wires. Jockie was at the gun station, shooting off rounds at what was no more but streaks of light.

"Captain! I can't get the motherboard back on! The scanners are useless!" Fenik came at a quick jog towards me.

"What happened? How did we not see them coming? Who are they?" I roared, rage consuming me that someone would dare attack my ship.

"We don't know, Captain. They didn't register on the scanner. Fenik thinks they have a jammer although he can't figure out how they managed to make one to cloak a whole ship."

I turned to see Dorveen, dishevelled and sporting a gash on her forehead. Her eyes were glazed, her body trembling with the shock and the stress. I could see the guilt in her eyes at not having seen the threat.

"It's okay Dorveen. There was nothing you could do." I said soothingly, giving what comfort I could. Just then, the light stream left from on of the LearJets zoomed so close to the holds windows and let out a resounding blast. The whole ship shook with the impact, sending us all to the floor. The ship tilting precariously on an angle and all of us slid with the hull, slamming into the side like so much rubble.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2010 ⏰

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