Sapphire {6}

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I woke up feeling groggy and like a jet had run over me. All in all, it wasn't the most pleasant feeling. I remember waking up in the past with gentler hangovers. I glanced at the mounted wall clock and groaned silently.

It wasn't the full sixteen hours I had wished for but it was close enough. Fourteen and a half hours was probably too long actually but much needed it seemed. I yawned and stretched and when my arms collided with empty space, it struck me as strange.

Though sleep addled, my subconscious was telling me there should be other than open space. I turned my head and my senses were attacked by the sultry smell of cherry blossoms...


I pushed myself up to my elbows and looked around my cabin. Everything was silent. Wherever she was, it was not here.

"Probably got up early and went hunting for food, poor mite." I muttered to myself as I pushed off the bed and headed for the showers before making my way to the control room.

Everything was as it should be in the control room. I slowly made my way to my chair. My whole body was aching and I couldn't stop each grunt that passed my lips as I ascended the stairs.

"Christ...I feel like I'm eighty!" I muttered to myself before I slowly sat down, sighing in relief once my buttocks hit the chair.

"JOCKIE! COFFEE!" I yelled as I covered my face with an out flung arm to protect my eyes from the bright fluorescents.

"Christ man! I'm right next to ya!" grumbled the ungrateful lech.

"Well if you happen to be right next to me, then why isn't my damn coffee in my hand yet?!" I snapped back snidely.

"Touchy, touchy! Did the Captain not sleep well?" The cantankerous old soul barked out before breaking out in raucous laughter.

"Why you little..." I sat up straight and prepared to launch myself at the critter.

"Here you are Captain." The soft sultry tones stopped me in my place. I turned to see Sapphire wide awake and alert as ever at my side. Her head was slightly lowered and her hands extended, offering me the coffee I had just asked for.

"Uh, thanks my dear but I asked Jockie for it." I answered stupidly. I always seemed tongue tied around this young lady.

"It was my pleasure Captain. Enjoy it." She serenely commanded and I found myself staring into her big luminescent sapphire eyes as I took a healthy swallow. I was rewarded with the graceful curving of her lips.

"If you're done gawking Captain, I believe the crew would like to know what's next on the agenda." Intoned Jockie snidely from my side.

Rudely snapped out of my star gazing, so to speak, I jerked my attention back to the matter at hand. What did I want them to do? For that matter, what did I want to do? The remnants of my malicious dream were still taunting me from the recesses of my mind, goading me for something.

"Where are we now Dorveen?" I asked my scanner.

"We are in quadrant six of the Omegon Galaxy. Near Nicencia to be exact." She answered smoothly while tapping out specific keys.

I let the information seep in as I thought about what I wanted to do. As I sat in silence, mulling over my options, I watched the screen Dorveen was controlling with the taps of the keyboard. The 3D scan of the Planet of Nicencia rotated on it's axis as different ports and cities appeared depending on where the frontal view laid. It was currently showing the southern Hemisphere. I watched as she zoomed in and we got an up close view of the Port of Viteriano, bustling with its merchant ships.

One ship in particular caught my eye. It was a rather large LaserJet with its red, white and blue crossed flag proudly flapping in the wind.

A Britania ship.

And just like that, a switch went off in my head, course clear for the first time in ages.

"Jim! Set course!" I yelled to the controller. A resounding "Its Chuck!" echoed throughout the room as most of the staff corrected my mistake.

"Whatever...Set course to Galaxy Alphite, Quadrant 4, axis 2.5! I want 37.5 longitude, 43.5 latitude. Now!" With that I stood up and handed a startled Jockie my empty coffee cup.

"Thank you Precious, it was delicious." I murmured softly to Sapphire as I made my way to the stairs.

"But Captain! That's near the motherland!" cried Jockie.

"I am aware of where I had the misfortune of being born Jockie." I answered in a bored tone, heading down the main hall. All behind me was silent and I turned to see my crew staring at me, mouth agape and eyes startled.

"I am your Captain and I gave you directions! Set course!" I snapped and watched at Chad or Luke or whatever his name was, started tapping out the sequence I had given him.

Dorveen stood then and cleared her throat. "Are you sure you would like to get that close to our homeland sir. After all that happened..." she broke off on a soft whisper and I softened a bit when I saw the fear and the grief she was trying to hide.

"Aye little bit. I'm sure. I've been away too long leaving things unsettled and I find it doesn't sit well anymore." I told her softly.

I watched as she valiantly pulled herself together, sucked in a big breath and looked me head on, resolve in her eyes. "Alright then Captain, I'm behind you every step of the way!" I smiled at her new found enthusiasm, wither it was faked or real.

"Its about damn time I say! Time we stopped running and faced the bitch head on!" came a gruff voice behind me and I turned to see Fenik staring at me, his eyes intense and serious, resolve imprinted in his very body language.

"I'm with you every step of the way Captain, through heaven or hell." He pledged and my chest constricted at the emotion roiling within me. After everything we had been through, every bad mistake I had ever made and to see V and Fenik still loyal to me was a soothing balm. It made the self hate I carried with me that much lighter.

"Thank you!" I murmured.

"Ah hell! Well now I can't just let ya'll head out on your own to get all of your fool heads blown off! Someone has to look after you idiots!" I heard Jockie grumble behind me and Fenik and I grinned at each other, hiding it from the stockier grumpy man. No need to for the sensitive little guy to think we were mocking him.

"Yes mother!" I called over my shoulder to the grumpy fart as I continued to make my way down the hall. "Now if you will excuse me, I'd like to actually make it to the War room so I can plan!" I called.

From behind me, I could hear the murmurs of the crew. No matter, on a ship everyone will always gossip.

"The war room?" Questioned Sapphire beside me.

"Yes dear, it's a room I haven't used in years. It's where I keep all my maps and charts and plan evacuation or attack plans..." I answered softly.

"Oh! A Strategy room! The King had one. I was often present for many of his meetings. May I be of service in planning warfare with you Captain?" she asked guilessly, her big blue eyes showing a hint of excitement.

Well I'll be damned, a woman after my own heart.

"Indeed Precious, I believe the input would be most welcome!" I told her jauntily as I gave her a little bow and gallantly presented her my arm to link hers through.

I was rewarded with her rosy blush as she delicately put her arm on mine. I felt electricity run up my arm where her hand gently touched. Covering her smaller hand in my much larger one, we made our way to my past...

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