Sapphire {5}

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This chapter is not weird and wacky as much as I'd love it to be. But I do believe it is needed for the story. Now, I might have gone a little creative crazy when trying to create space appropriate action (I think I might have failed) and to some, it might be long and boring.

All the same, vote, comment and enjoy! Its my Watty Awards story :p


I stood in the royal chamber, awaiting the summons of my queen. We were at war and had been for so long. In the past year, my crew and I had been out in the high skies, marauding unsuspecting enemy ships, ensuring that their cargo never reached it's destination, ensuring that enemy squads at the battle site had little to no supplies.

Many would think the position of Privateer scandalous. Many in the military, as in the universe, believe it is more honourable to be a military foot soldier, fighting along the enemy front lines. That may or may not be, but every person plays a part in this war we are fighting and if we wish to succeed and see Britania free once again, someone must do the parts that others refuse.

I was reliving the success of our last mission in my head and I smiled at the memory of the crews' excitement at a job once again well done. There was none better than my crew. We outperformed any other Privateer out there and my Queen's coffers were the proof of such success. At the moment, they were in port, reliving the adrenaline in their own way. Tomorrow, my deck would be littered with passed out bodies and many with killing headaches.

And they will love every moment of it.

"The Queen will see you now." Intoned an attendant behind me. I inclined my head respectfully and made my way through the chamber doors.

There, upon the royal dais, was my liege. Regal and seemingly aloof, this was the one woman who had kept this planet running smoothly for the last twenty years of her reign. One would be a fool to underestimate her. I made my way quickly to her throne, set myself on one knee before and took her hand to place a gentle chaste kiss on the back of her palm.

"You are looking well my Queen." I murmured while looking up at her through lowered lashes.

"As charming as you are cunning, as usual, Captain Bellechasse." Her painted red lips curved gently up on one side.

"Indeed Madam, I do strive to appear as such." I gave her one of my cheeky grins and was rewarded with another curving of her lips.

"Be that as it may, I believe you are aware that I wouldn't invite you here for such trivialities. Let me begin by giving my profound thanks for another mission well accomplished. Thanks to you, another of Rangnor's cargo ships has failed to reach its destination and I am told by Major Luong that the enemy soldiers have suffered in the last battle as of such."

"Your Highness is most kind." I inclined my head to show my gratitude at such a compliment.

"I have another mission for you my dearest. In five days time, a Napolianata ship will be heading towards Rangnor's encampment. I have it under strictest confidence that they will be sorely under guarded. The ship is supposed to be disguised as a simple transport and they are therefore hoping that the hidden shipment within will make its destination. I believe you know what you must do?"

"Indeed your Highness, it shall be done. You have my word." I bowed my head reverently and proceeded to exit the room. When I had just reached the door, she called me back.

"Remember Captain Bellechasse; we all have a purpose in this war and sometimes some must suffer in order for many to prosper."

"Indeed your Highness." I answered politely and took my leave, the Queen's words ringing in my head. Sad as it was to say, it was often the case in war. The lives of some were forfeit in order for a larger population to live on. I hated to think of a single life lost for nothing, but in the eyes of the military, the Queen and the Kingdom, the lives of some did not outweigh the lives of all at stake in Britania...

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