How did Mutsu get here?

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Mark Wayne Windle: Finally, no more lemons for a while. And my pants are still dry.

(Kantai C.) Nagato: Is that so?

Mark Wayne Windle: Yes, I will open the portal for you to return.

Mutsu: Hi.

Mark Wayne Windle: How did you get here?

Mutsu: That is a secret.

Mark Wayne Windle: Only us German's are to have these secrets. Wait a minute, you didn't steal "the pen" from Windlekönig and his book did you?

Mutsu: Maybe, or I might have sneaked in through one of Matt's book's. **smiles**

Mark Wayne Windle: **sighs** Nein. Almost ten o'clock at night. I should have time to do some things before mein bed time. Let me open z portal for you.

I open the portal and the Nagato from the Kantai Collection walks through it as I close it behind her.

Mark Wayne Windle: Now, how did you get past my fellow Author Matt?

Mutsu: He is a little sleepy at the moment, I'll go back to my book now. See you later Author Windle. **giggles**

Mark Wayne Windle: Okay, I am unaware of what just happened by I am not dead, being tortured, or being raped. Well then, I will see you later my fellow users.

Mean while

Matt: **sleeping at his desk**

Mutsu: **enters the room** Oh, he is still asleep. I'll just use the portal to reenter my book.

She places a blanket over Matt, opens a portal, and enters it as it closes behind her.

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