Chapter 21

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A couple things before I start this chapter: riele is back from the hospital but she's in bed rest.
Riele's POV:
So I've been on bed rest for about a week now, and it's so boring. There's literally nothing to do except sit down and watch tv. Today, I'm home alone, because my mom and reiya went to the store. I hear the doorbell ring.

I slowly get up and walk to the door. When I finally get there, I see Isabella, with tear stains on her cheek. "Can I come in?" she asks. "Uhh," I stutter. "I promise, I'm not gonna hurt you or anything. I just wanna talk," she continues. "Ok, come in," I say cautiously. "Ok, I came here today because, I wanted to say I'm sorry. I'm sorry that I've been mean to you since the very day I met you. The truth is, I'm jealous of you. I was jealous of your relationship with Jace when I was dating him because I saw how close you guys were. I'm jealous of the fact that you're so pretty, and you have a family that loves you. My family doesn't give a crap about me, and I have to act out to get their attention. No one likes me because of my attitude, and I have literally zero friends. And then a week ago I- I did something I'd never think I'd do. I shot someone. I- I swear I didn't mean to pull the trigger. It was an accident. But I still took all my anger out on you. I'm so sorry, riele. And you don't have to forgive me, I just wanted to tell you that I feel really bad about what happened and I won't bother you anymore," she says.

I just stand there with my mouth open. I didn't know she was going through so much. "Well, bye riele," she says. "Wait," I say. "If you're really sincere about your apology, and if you meant what you said about everything, then I guess I can forgive you," I say. "Really?" she says excitedly. "Yea," I chuckle. "Could we maybe try be friends, too?" She asks timidly. "Sure, why not?" I ask. She runs up to me and hugs me.

She lets go and her smile fades. "Even though you forgave me, I don't think anyone else will," she says. "I'll talk to them. Don't worry," I say. "Thanks, riele, I gotta go, so I'll see you later?" She asks. "Of course, bye," I say. "Bye," she yells getting into her car. Now I just have to tell all my friends and family that I just made up with the girl who shot me. I call everyone and tell them to come to my house. So, right now Ella, Sean, Jace, Jade, Lillimar, Skai, Cree, Cooper, and my family is here.

"Ok, am I the only one confused on why we're here?" Lillimar asks. "I brought you guys to tell you something," I say. "Well what is it babe?" Jace asks sitting next to me. "Ok, so, I kinda sorta made up with Isabella and now she's my friend," I say waiting for their reaction. "WHAT?!?" They all y'all at the same time. And then they all start yelling random things so I can't hear anyone. "Guys, guys, GUYS!" I yell. "Just let me explain, ok?" I say. "Earlier today, Isabella came over to my house, and she said she was sorry. She said that the only reason that she acts out was because her parents don't care about her, and that was the only way she could get their attention. She also said she was always jealous of me and that she has no friends," I finish.

"Well, who's fault is that? If she wasn't such a brat than maybe people would actually like her," Sean says. And everybody nods their head in agreement. "Oh, come on guys. I think people deserve a second chance," I say. "Yea, but not Isabella," Jace yells. "Ok, Jace that's not fair. I've given you several 2nd chances," I say. "Oh, yea? Name one," he says confidently. "Uh, when you yelled at me at the warp party. And when you accused me of being jealous of your relationship," I say. "Oh, yea... I forgot about those," he says awkwardly. "Look, guys, all I'm saying is that I know Isabella was sincere. And if you guys were there you would know too. So can we please just leave the past in the past and forgive her?" I ask. They all look at each other uneasy. "Pwwweaseeee," I say with a pouty face. "Fine," they all say reluctantly. "Yayyy, Thanks, guys!" I say. "Yea, yea. I'm just glad there will be no more drama," jade says. Just then Michael barges in. (michael's the guy who plays Schwoz on Henry Danger) "Uh, guys is it weird that my toes are growing at an abnormal rate?" He asks. We all just look at him and then start laughing.

A/n: hey guys. I hope you liked the chapter. I have a couple things to announce. First, sadly this book is coming to an end. 😔😔
But, I'm going to write a new book. ☺️☺️Also thanks, Goatcat321 for giving me the idea for this book. Also, with time, I will be making more books. Also if you have any ideas for a new book, just lemme know!! Ok, byeeeee!

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