Chapter 10

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Riele's POV:
After amarr and I finished our date last night, he dropped me off at home. We both had an amazing night, we'll at least after Isabella left. But anyway, I was in my room watching tv when reiya came into my room. "Riele, get up. We have to get ready for Isabella's party," reiya says. "Do we really have to go? I mean.. I feel like Isabella's gonna do something bad," I say. "Yes, she invited us, it'd be rude not to go. Also Isabella said to dress formally and wear red," reiya said.

I take a shower and change into this:

I get into reiya's car and we drive to the party

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I get into reiya's car and we drive to the party. I get there and I already see Sean Ella Jace jade and Isabella. "Hey guys, glad you could make it. You can put your gifts on that table," she says to me and reiya. More people start arriving and pretty soon there's like 100 people there.

Isabella turns down the music. "Hello, everybody. I'm so glad you could make it to my birthday party. I would like to make an announcement. I'm sure everybody here is familiar with the one and only riele downs," she says. I wave and everybody applauds.

"Well, I know something about her that she's never told anyone," Isabella says sneakily. I should've known this was gonna happen. "Now, we all know that riele has a perfect family with everybody in it. Well everybody except her dad," isabella says.

I knew where she was going with this. "Well, I had never asked riele myself what happened so I always assumed that he died," she continues. "But turns out, her dad's not dead. He left riele's family for a better family. A white family," she adds. By now I had tears in my eyes. The only person that I ever told the truth to was Jace. I look over to Jace and he looks back at me. "Riele, I promise you, I didn't tell her. I swear, I don't know how she knows, but you have to believe me, I didn't tell her," he says. "I'm sorry Jace but I can't tell if your telling the truth," I say. "Riele, not even your father wanted you, so why would you think Jace would," Isabella continues to speak through the microphone. "I'm sorry Jace but I'm gonna go," I say.

I get home and take another shower and I get in bed. "Why did I trust Isabella?" I ask myself. Right before I fall asleep, I get another text.
Jace 💔💔: I'm really sorry riele, but I promise you I didn't tell her.
Me: Jace, how else could she have found out?
Jace 💔💔: I don't know, but I promise you I'm gonna make this right
I just turn off my phone and go to sleep.

A/n: here's another chapter for you lovelies! Do u guys believe Jace? Should jace and riele get back together? Lemme know if u guys have any ideas about the book. Also I like to add pictures to my book just so it seems more lively. If u don't like it, u can just skip over it, but just letting you know there will be a lot of pictures in the book. Ok byeeeeee

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