Chapter 13

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Riele's POV:
I woke up and I had another day of set so I put this on:

Riele's POV: I woke up and I had another day of set so I put this on:

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(Minus the yeezy's and the watch)

I walk into my dressing room to see Jace already in there on his phone. "Oh, hey Jace," I say. "Hey," he says. He gets up so I can sit on the coach. As soon as lay down on the coach he sits on me. "JACE, get off me," I say laughing. "No," he replies. "YOUR FAT SELF IS LITERALLY GONNA CRUSH ME," I say laughing. Jace playfully pretends to gasp and holds his chest hurt.

He starts to tickle me all over. "Ja- Jace, stop," I yell in between laughs. "Say Jace is the most handsome man alive," Jace says. "Never," I yell. He keeps tickling me until I give in. "Ok, ok, ok, Jace is the most handsome man alive," I say trying to catch my breath.

"Hey, guys, Dan wants us to set now," Ella says. "Ok, we'll be there," I say. Ella leaves the room. "Ok, let's go," I say to Jace. "Wait rie, after set, you wanna go get froyo?" Jace asks. "Sure," I say. "Yessss," he says.

(Skip to after set cuz I'm like really lazy lol)

Jace's POV:
We were finally done with shooting and I'm planning to ask rie to be my girlfriend. After that "almost kiss" we had, I knew I wanted riele to be my girlfriend. "Hey, rie you ready to go?" I ask walking into her dressing room. "Yea, let's go," she says. We get in the car and I can tell riele is really sleepy. I mean I can't blame, we finished shooting at 11 p.m. While I'm driving I can't help but admire riele.

She's so pretty, and beautiful. "Take a picture, it'll last longer," she says while smirking. "How do you manage to be a smart alec half asleep," I say. "It's a talent," she says snuggly. She finally opens her eyes and looks at the road.

"JACE, LOOK!!" She yells. Just then i see a car coming right toward us.

"BEEEEEEP," a car goes. The last thing I see is riele passed out before everything goes black.

*****3 hour later******

Still Jace's POV:
I wake up and I see a bunch of people surrounding me. "Jace, Your awake!" I hear my mom say as she rushes to me. I look around the room to see my family and friends looking back at me. Then all the memories came rushing to me.

"Where's riele," I ask. "Jace, she- she's in a coma," reiya says. Instantly my eyes fill up with tears. This would've never happened if I payed attention to the road. "Do you know when she'll wake up," I ask barely above a whisper.

"No, I'm sorry Jace," Ella says. Right then a tear slips from my face. "I'm sorry Jace, but it's gonna be ok," my mom says. "Can I at least see her?" I ask. "Yea come on," Xander says. They lead me to riele's room and I see her body on the bed. I tried to hold back my tears when I looked at her but I couldn't. I couldn't bear the fact that she was in the situation because of me.

"Please wake up, rie," I whisper.

A/n: heyyyyyy y'all. Cliffhanger (kind of?) anyway, I hope you liked this chapter, and don't worry riele's gonna wake up soon. I just didn't want them to get together so fast. I probably update tonight since I have nothing to do anyways but if i don't it'll be sometime tmr. Ok byeeeeeeeeeeee

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