The Portal

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It was a very normal day at the docks. We see two men, Jim and Dave, carrying a bucket each and walking across the dock.

Jim: "Dave, the weather is great today! Too bad Enterprise, CVN-65 is being scrapped. She was a great ship..."

Dave: "Yeah Jim, she was. But now, she has to be scrapped," 

Jim: "Yeah, we better go get our lunch. I'm starving! We can go take a break from this heat!"

Dave nodded. As they passed Enterprise (CVN-65). Jim sighs. 

How awful it must be to be scrapped after all she has done for us... Like CV-6, she must be scrapped...

Dave: "Jim, is it just me or is the sky turning dark purple?"

Jim: "I think it's the sky. Not you. But why is the sky turning purple, Dave?"

Dave: "Dunno..."

The sky slowly fades to dark purple, engulfing all the light. Birds could be heard, sounding weird alarm calls. The place turned dark. A bolt of purple lighting tore through the greyish clouds and hit the sea, right next to Enterprise.

Dave: "What the-?"

A huge wave of water rose up and fell, spraying saltwater everywhere and revealing a giant whirlpool. Water and debris quickly got sucked inside. Enterprise was slowly inching towards it too. A groan of the anchor and she was out, speeding directly at the whirlpool


Dave: "How?! What is causing this mess? Jim! We have to sound the alarm!"

Suddenly, we hear a roar of the ocean as a huge, gaping hole appears in it. The rain suddenly pours down, drenching Dave and Jim. 

Jim: "We better go inside now! This rain is heavy!"

Jim and Dave ran into the shelter.

Enterprise (CVN-65) sits in the ocean. She already knew that she would die. But not this way... She felt the enormous whirlpool sucking her in. Eh, I guess this is the end of me... a cold, watery grave awaits me... 

She looks into the whirlpool. Why...why is it purple? There is even purple lighting running through this. How weird... She thinks, bracing for the wash of freezing, cold water.

Her hull splashed into the whirlpool. She gasped as the water hit her. But oddly, it was warm. Very warm. Almost boiling, actually. Then, all went pitch black.

The Arrival of CVN-65Where stories live. Discover now