[Ch:10] Going to get you a win

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"Always." I hang up the phone and get out of the bed.

"Do you want me to come with you?" Auston asks worried.

"No I better go alone. Sorry Auston." I slip on my closets shoes which are my Gucci loafers and walk out the door. I get to Parker's door and knock. "Parks open the door it's me, Mitch." I say. She opens the door and looks at me with tears in her eyes. I wrap my arms around her into a huge hug. "What's up Parks?" We sit on the edge of her bed.

"My dad called." She wipes a tear. "My mom," She starts but is cut off by her tears.

"It's okay." I hold her and rest my chin on her head.

She lets go of me and builds some strength in herself. "My dad called." She looks me in the eyes. I feel like I'm going to cry myself. Hayley's dad is her hero and the person who believed in her way before Max and I came into her life with the London Knights. "My mom passed away tonight." She cries into my shoulder. We sit there and I shed some tears as well.

Hayley's mother Lindsay Parker. God what amazing people both her parents are. Everyday Hayley displays characteristics that remind me of both of her parents. Her mom was my second mom. We didn't always get to hang out with Hayley outside of the rink but when we did we would always go to Hayley's house. Her mom would always encourage Hayley to invite us over and hang out because Hayley didn't have many friends growing up living a double life. Frequently her mom would drive the three of us to the rink when the bus was leaving at stupid o'clock in the morning. I think that not only Hayley can thank her for shaping her but myself as well. I am so grateful to have met Lindsay Parker and learned how to be the friend that Hayley needed when we were on the road and inside the rink.

An hour passes by and I can feel many texts on my phone. I'm glad that Auston didn't come with me. As much as he has a crush on Hayley, she's my sister and my family. We are like twins. I feel so bad for Hayley. All she probably wants to do is be at home but here we are stuck in a hotel in Montreal and expected to fly down to San Jose and then go to Arizona before going home back to Toronto. "I want to go home." She says.

"I know. Text Babcock, tell him. He's a family man, I'm sure he'll understand."

"Ok. You should go it's late."

"Are you sure? I can stay."

"No just go get a good night sleep. I'll see you at home." She smiles. "I'll be okay I promise."

"Text the OHLers if you need anything. You know Max and I will do anything for you." I stand up from the bed and hug her and kiss her forehead. I leave her room and I break down in the hallway. I feel so bad for Hayley. Her mom couldn't come to her NHL debut or the draft. Her dad was the only thing she had left. I feel like I lost a member of my own family tonight. I wipe my tears and go back to my room. I open the door and Auston is in his bed and Pat is gone.

"Hey you didn't answer my texts." Auston says as I take off my shoes and wipe away my last tears.

"Sorry I didn't see them." I say quietly keeping my head down and taking my jacket off.

"What's wrong?" He asks. The burning question that stings my heart.


"Is everything okay with Hayley?"

"Um not really." I look at him with my tear stained face.

"Just tell me Mitch." Auston looks really worried.

"She's safe that's all you need to know." I say wanting to drop it. It's not my place to say anything. Hallsy has always been the person to put on a mask in public then let out her emotions in private. We go to bed and wake up to get on the plane. I see Babcock come on the plane with sadness in his eyes and there is no sight of Parker.

"So guys I have something to tell you. Parker Hall or Hayley Parker as some of you know, will not be joining us on our trip to San Jose today. We are a team and that means that we need to be there for our players, stick up for our own guys. It is with great sadness that I must tell you that Lindsay Parker, Hayley's mother passed away late last night." Mike says and he walks off the plane to meet us in San Jose. The guys are pretty silent and I see Auston glued to his phone. The flight to San Jose sucked. Hallsy wasn't there to make everyone laugh like she usually does. She's two games into her NHL but she lights up the team when she's around. I couldn't imagine it without her.

I message her to just before we land in San Jose.


Just landing in San Jose. I love you Parks. Going to get you a win

I hope when we get back to Toronto, Parker will want to talk or even come back to practice.


We are now leaving San Jose with another win. I know Auston missed Hallsy being around. I've been messaging with Hallsy and she is coming back for the Arizona game. She said that the lack of hockey is eating away at her. She has been in touch with Babcock and she is coming to play in the Arizona game. I know Auston has talked to her a little bit. He knows she's coming back. I know that his injury is killing him. He has only played one game with her and it was her first game. It would be great to see them both out on the ice together. Next week he starts physical therapy so it will get him closer to the ice than sitting with his parents. We get on the bus from the airport and go to the rink for an early morning skate. Auston was busy with his family. "Hey I missed you Marns." I turn around to see Parker in her Toronto sweater and shorts.

"Hey! Oh my god it's so good to have you back!"

"Yeah I just got out of a meeting with Babs, I'm starting tonight." She smiles.

"Hell yeah Parks that's awesome!" I couldn't be more proud of this girl.

"Where's Auston? I want to tell him the good news!"

"He's not here. He's with his family for the day."

"Oh shoot that's right! I get to meet them today after skate."

"That should be fun." We get ready for skate. It goes by so fast. I couldn't stop smiling I was so happy to get Parks back in skates and out on the ice. 

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