[Ch:17] My Star

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A/N: Thank you all so much for the votes! I really appreciate the support! Trying to get back into writing, school has been so busy lately. 

I wake up next to Auston wondering where my clothes from last night were. I see him still fast asleep. I shower and put some clothes on for practice. I decide to call my dad when I hear Auston turn on the shower. "Hey dad, uh I know it's been a while and I was wondering if you wanted to come to the game tonight?"

"Yeah honey I'd like that."

"I also need to tell you something."

"Go ahead I'm listening."

"I broke one of our rules."

"Hayley." Dad says calmly. "I know and it is okay." I feel like I could cry.

"Wait how do you know?"

"Well Mitch had called me a little while back checking in on me after everything and we were talking about your new friends, specifically you, Mitch, and Auston. Parks, the media loves you three, but I've been in touch with Auston. I was coming to the game tonight whether you invited me or not. He told me how much he loves you and asked me if it was okay, and if it was okay to ask you to live together, not just for business reasons." I have no words. The line is dead for a minute. I couldn't believe that he did that. "Parks are you there?"

"Yeah I am dad, I just don't know what to say."

"You don't have to say anything. Just go out there today and get ready for tonight. After, the three of us have a reservation at Sofia's."

"Okay dad. I love you and I will see you later."

"Okay Parks. Love you. I'll see you later bye." I hung up the phone. Auston comes out of our room and turns on the coffee machine.

"So, are you mad at me?" He smirks while getting out two mugs.

"No... no, I just-" I'm lost for words still

"I wanted to do something nice. I'm sorry for going behind your back. I hear such great things about your dad from you and Mitch—"

"Auston," I breathe, cutting him off. "It's okay. I liked it and I think my dad did too."

He comes around the island to me and hugs me. "I love you."

"I love you too."

"I'm nervous for tonight." He says still hugging me.

"It's just another game."

"Not for me. My love's number one fan will be watching."

"You have nothing to worry about. My dad knows you're an excellent player." We drink our coffee together and go to morning skate. I come out of the locker room after skate and Babcock pulls me aside.

"Hey Parker, can I talk to you for a minute please?"

"Yeah, what's up?"

"Follow me to my office please." My stomach flips and I shoot Mitch a look of worry. "So how's the NHL life treating you?"

"It's great. I am loving the team and I think that with our hard work we can really excel this season together."

"Good. I wanted to ask you about Auston too. Listen Parks, I'm not stupid but I just need to know. What is there between you and him?" My heart stops. Does my relationship with him have to end because of the team?

"I mean we live together here in Toronto. We've gone out a few times." I answer vaguely.

"Are you involved romantically?"

"Yes." I swallowed hard.

"Okay." He looks down at his desk. "I know that this is uncommon for an NHL franchise. I am willing to let you two continue your relationship, but I must make it clear that it must not interfere with your game or team dynamic."

"Yes sir. I'll tell Auston."

"Ok thank you. That's all I wanted to talk to you about. I'll see you tonight." I walk out of Babcock's office feeling like I was hit by a bus of emotion. I go find Auston who was just finishing an interview.

"Hey, Mitch told me you got pulled into Babcock's office?" Auston says as we walk to the car.

"Yeah, uh he just wanted to talk about us." I say nervously.

"What about? Does he think that we are being inappropriate or something?"

"No, he just wants to make sure we're not just hooking up and acting stupid."

"Okay, we can do that. I'm just focused on tonight and your dad."

"Yeah. It'll be fine." We get to the condo and put down our things.

"I'm gonna take a nap. Wanna join?" Auston asks walking towards the bedroom door.

"You know I do." I set an alarm for 3:30 so we can wake up in time to get ready. I get under the sheets and curl up next to Auston. I wake up to Auston stroking my hair and kissing my forehead.

"Hey." He says with a raspy voice.

"Hi." I turn to face him and move to kiss him. I roll onto him and we begin to make out. What was once waking up from a nap has now turned into a make out session making us almost late for the game. Walking out the door I take one last look in the mirror. I'm wearing a low cut dark green dress that goes just just past my knees with black high heels. Just as I turn to leave he grabs me by the hips and pulls me backwards towards him.

"I'm so glad I found you. Now I just gotta impress your dad." He whispers in my ear tucking my hair behind my ear.

"It's not that hard, you're a star. Most importantly, you're my star."

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