meet and greet (requested)

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You could hear her voice from where you stood. All that separated you now was a thick black curtain and a security guard who was waiting for his cue to let you through.

It didn't feel real. Even now that you could hear her voice and her laugh, it still felt like a dream. You won a radio contest to meet Hailee and it's easily already the greatest thing to ever happen to you.

You've looked up to her for so long and she's gotten you through so many dark times, times when no one and nothing else could ever make you feel better. Even when you felt alone, you still always had Hailee.

And now you're so close to meeting her. To hugging her and getting to tell her all of this and more.

But as the curtain opened and you let your feet carry you inside to where Hailee stood all of the things you planned to say left your mind. She held her arms open for you, a wide smile crossed her face and her beautiful eyes began to light up, and you felt your knees shake underneath you as you ran to her.

She caught you and instantly wrapped you in the tightest hug you've ever received. It's what you've always dreamed of but it was still somehow better than you could've imagined. "It's so nice to meet you! What's your name?"

Y-Y/n." You stammered and Hailee just squeezed you tighter. "It's wonderful to meet you y/n." She said as she let you go and looked you in your eyes. You blushed and turned away. You were never the best when it came to eye contact. "You're so pretty, y/n." She said and since you feel you already know Hailee so well after looking up to her for so long, you knew that judging by the look in her eyes, she meant it.

"Do you wanna take a picture?" You nodded and felt her instantly pull you to her side. When you put your hand on her side she put her hand over yours, intertwining your fingers together as you took the picture with bright smiles on your faces.

When you pulled away you were teary-eyed. She noticed this and gave your hand a squeeze. "I just wanna say thank you. You don't know it but you mean the absolute world to me. I really want you to know how loved and how important you are. You're amazing, Hailee."

She melted at your words and put her hand over your heart. "You're so sweet." She said and when you looked around the room you felt her hand give yours another squeeze. It was comforting to know that even after all this time she was still holding your hand.

It made your heart flutter but not nearly as much as the look on her face as she gazed at you did.

"Well, I guess this is it. I shouldn't overstep my boundaries. I know you have a show to get ready for."

You went to walk away but Hailee still held your hand and pulled you back. "Wait! Before you go I have a question for you." You nodded. "Do you wanna come back here after the show?"

Your eyes widened. "Me? Really?" She nodded her head with a giggle. "Why?"

She shrugged and just stared at you. "Because I can tell that there's something really special about you. I wanna get to know you better. I think you're really nice and pretty and... yeah. So? Do you want to?"

It all felt so surreal. But you excitedly said yes, because why would you ever say no?

She took off your meet and greet pass and instead slipped another over your head that said 'backstage access'. "I'll be waiting for you. I really look forward to seeing you again, y/n."

And with shaky knees and unsteady breaths, you exited the room. You would've figured it was all a dream because it felt too good to be true.

But the pass around your neck said otherwise.

Just as you thought. This really was the best thing to ever happen to you.

Hailee Steinfeld Imagines (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now