It gets a little hot in here

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he looks kinda wholesome in this pic NGL also let me know how you guys are feeling about it and if you have suggestions on smut or special episodes let me know!

I had gone and sat on the couch since I had a good vantage point to watch his back clean the dishes. I was gonna make sure he did them just like Mitsuki told me. I had gone a little into thought on some stuff *cough* 😏. I should probably mention that deep inside my dark hollow conscious that I kinda had a crush on Katsuki, so seeing him shirtless and doing dishes getting kinda wet kinda made me, *cough* wet. 😏

"Do you want any help?"

"Fuck no I can do shit myself!"

"You sure about that?"

Okay so was I messing with him and kinda pushing his buttons on purpose, yeah a little; but I dont know I had to let my frustration out somehow. He had walked over to me and kinda stood off to the side in front of me.

"You wanna say that again, I'm fucking great at doing the dishes!"

"Hahha Katsuki you are literally arguing with me about who can do dishes better"

"I dont need help and I'm better than you!"

Theres my cue. I stood up got right up in front of him in his face. Smiled and said

"Are you flustered Katsuki?"

"Flustered?! Fuck no, why the hell would I be flustered? Because of you? Hah fucking hilarious"

"Oh yeah you dont think I could get you flustered?"

I grabbed both his hands than slowly followed up them. I got to the shoulders went to the collarbones then I had my hands on his chest. I turned them slightly over and slowly felt down his sides, then with my thumbs traced his abb's. He had flinched a little but stayed quiet the entire time. I slowly went back up then held his face. Looked him in the eyes, damn thos eyes they were always burning making me burn. I gave him a little pat on his cheek and shook off his stair.

"How about now Katsuki, you flustered now?"

He dropped his gaze for a little, what was going on now? He raised it and was a blushing mess!

"What the fuck was that for you extra, I'm all bothered now. What are you gonna do about it?"

By this point he had gotten extremely close and was nose to nose with me.

"Depends, what do you want me to do about it?"

I was not expecting what came next. He grabbed my waist and leaned in. Was he going to kiss me!? He moved to the side then whispered in my ear.

"Just remember, you asked for it"

I got chills down my back, you know that spine tingling sensation. What was THE Katsuki Bakugou going to do to me? Next thing I knew he had his hands under my shirt, grabbing my hips, kissing my neck. I put my hands around his neck and opened up a little for him. He picked me up and walked me over to the counter next to the dishes, his gaze locked on me.

"I've never done anything like this before"

"Just do what you think feels right Y/N"

He said my name. I lean in to kiss him, a small peck. I back up a bit and stare at him. Those eyes again its always those sharp fiery eyes that always drew me in, always made me stare at him in school, made it bearable to talk to him, and that blond spikey hair. I wanted to touch it, pull it, run my fingers all through it. Next thing I know he's leaning in again kissing me whole heartedly. His thumbs started to brush my hips. He was being to delicate I was gonna ruin the mood if I spasmed because I was so sensetive, so I pulled his hair. It did make him clutch my hips instead.

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