hello there to many things

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After picking him up I ran back to that store to get some food for him and a couple other things. I make a mental list of what a cat would need, collar, bed, toys, bowl, food. I think that's it right?

"back so soon?"

"Oh yeah, i found this little kitten on the side of the street out in that rain. I came to get him some food and the essentials"

"Oh makes sense, I'll help you find the stuff, we dont really have a pet section so everything's kinda scattered places"

"Oh that makes sense I guess. Thanks for the help"

"No problem, um actually I can just go get everything for you if you want"

"Oh sure, just dont spend over 50$ haha"

"Right haha"

You stood around the place waiting, paying attention to the sweet little kitten, then you remembered that he said you looked familiar.

"*mumble* I wonder who I reminded him of? I guess I could have one of those faces.... hmmmm *mumble*"

Whatever I gotta figure out if this little kitten is a boy or girl, and figure out how I'm gonna talk to my dad. I waited around a little just heating up the kitten when that guy came back.

"Finally found everything!"

"Awesome how much do I owe you?"

"Your total is gonna be $35.30"

"Under 50 bucks hah, thanks, Bye!"


I got out of there and started running home to get the kitten and myself home pronto. I wanted to warm this guy up and get changed out of my uniform. The rain had also started to pick up even more.

"Man am I glad I picked you up while I did"

I finally got home with the kitten and all the crap that I was hauling from the store. Thankfully dad's truck wasn't at the house yet, but based on how long it took me to get home he'd be home soon. He was probably on his way home right now. Which meant I had to rush to get the door open and get up to my room to prep everything for the kitten and figure out how to do the makeup and see if it would even work.

"Alright inside, semi soaked but inside. We gotta get you and me a bath, I also gotta figure out how to break the news of you and katsuki to dad. Oh and also that makeup!"

I set the newly bundled fur on the bed and set his bag down in my room. Then I took the bag of makeup into my bathroom and left that on my counter. Then grabbed the food bag and put that food away. Finally heading upstairs to take a bath and change. Then I heard the truck pull into the drive way.

"Hey Y/N I'm home!"

you're different (katsuki bakugou x y/n l/n)Where stories live. Discover now