Chapter Seventeen

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Lani was always grateful to have new visitors, although, she couldn't help but agree with her fiance when he said that the house was getting fairly crowded. Nonetheless, Lani did love the company of the Galavers and Tuldrox combined. 

"So...they're real? Really real?" Jeremy had asked with a note of surprise in his voice. 

Lani just turned to him then with an amused expression on her face. 

"Yes, Jeremy. They're real," she told him. 

Nova had been another one of the Galavers to join their company. At present, she was sitting in the front room next to Peia. Peia was currently sending thought messages to Nova. 

So...was this an elite skill on your planet?  Nova asked her. 

Yes, but appears you're getting the hang of it too. Peia replied. 

It was no secret that having mental conversations came with its benefits. It allowed many members of the Tuldroxi and Galavers combined to be able to have private conversations when necessary. However, as with all abilities, it did come with its cost. They could only use it every so often because over-using abilities caused mental strain, and Aurora knew this first hand. Nevertheless, they were all incredibly grateful that they hadn't had their powers stripped away from them, and that they were able to be able to use them in peace in Lani's home. 

She had warned them though not to make use of them around humans. Of course, Aurora and Nova were more obviously alien than the Tuldroxi and, due to this, had to hide away more carefully.

Nova was not the only other member of the alien society to join the Chadwick and Hall house, as Leo and Colt had also arrived. 

Aurora wandered over to Colt, then. She felt it important to try to build their friendship back up. After all, she was motivating him to go after his dreams. It didn't mean that she had to shut him out. Colt headed into the kitchen along with Aurora, as Lani was making pancakes again. Colt hadn't brought it up before, as he hadn't wanted to dampen a mood, but the smell of maple syrup pancakes reminded him of his childhood. He missed those days on occasion. They were so long ago, but even Colt's mind that tried to always look ahead, could look back on his early childhood and wonder what would have happened had his parents not died. 

Aurora, who couldn't help but read his mind, met his eyes then with a sympathetic glint in them. 

I forget you can do that. Colt remarked inaudibly. 

Aurora felt tempted to ask Colt if they were okay, but Colt didn't need an inaudible question to answer that. He just gave her a gentle smile, that may have caused Aurora's heart to skip a few beats.

Meanwhile, Leo and Lani had met in her office. 

Leo was a good friend to the humans that he could trust, too, and Lani was one of these. 

Lani liked Leo, too. He was extremely intelligent and wanted to do all that he could to help her out. Aside from that, if there was anybody she felt comfortable talking to about the incoming Tuldroxi, it was a member of their kind. 

"Hello, Leo," Lani said, quickly responsive to his presence. 

"Hey Lani," Leo said with his own kind smile. "How are you?" he asked her. 

"I was about to ask you the same question. I'm well, I just-" 

Leo could already tell intuitively that there was a concoction of matters on Lani's mind, he just gave her an understanding smile then. 

"There's just a lot on your mind, right?" he asked her. 

"Right," Lani replied in agreement. 

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