Chapter Fourteen

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Aurora knew that her time on Galaveri had been one of the most complicated times in her life. Nevertheless, it still was nothing by comparison to how much she currently felt confused and overwhelmed by her own thoughts and feelings. In truth, Aurora had never felt more human in her life, than she did now. Believe her, that was saying something considering she was in fact an alien. Her emotions were piling high and she was simply trying to focus on training in order to take her mind off of them. The main things that were helping her to forget about the event of the previous evening, that was mostly considered a taboo subject in her mind, now, were to spend time with her friends. Additionally, Aurora was mastering her ability of mental transportation, and as such, she could travel to Galaveri whenever she wanted in order to take her mind off of things a little more, too. Regardless, all she knew that she could do, was keep pushing ahead. The sun began to rise outside her window. Aurora had barely slept, but she felt almost comforted for a moment by its now familiar warmth. The sky up ahead was blue, a signal that today may be a brighter one. So, Aurora decided to take a walk, and she stepped outside into the remaining warmth before summer would inevitably transition to autumn. 

While Aurora had decided to take a break into nature, inside the base, Leo was just starting to wake up. He wandered into the bathroom and put in the new contacts that he had created for himself. They enhanced his vision tenfold. A great success, he thought to himself, but Leo had always been good at designing things like that. Nova had helped him out too, of course, which had been of great benefit to him. Speaking of which, Leo couldn't deny that he was very fond of Nova. Of course, they had been friends for some time, now, but there were other things going on with that friendship that were beginning to confuse him, like the way he suddenly felt more nervous around Nova. As Leo was a Tuldrox, and not as in tune with his emotions as the average being on Earth, he just assumed that he was sick. However, when he had spoken about this to his friend Colt, the other boy had simply smiled at him with amusement in the acknowledgement that it seemed as though Leo was gaining feelings for his friend. Leo dismissed such a statement, but when he had been getting ready in the bathroom to the side of his room the next day, Colt's words echoed in his mind, resonating with him a little too well. 

Nova, ultimately, was completely unaware of the thoughts that had been running through Leo's mind. She did have the ability to read minds if she really wanted to, of course, but she didn't even know that there was anything big on Leo's mind yet. She headed into the bathroom and got ready the same way she would any other day. She took her silver hair out of its messy bun and began to get started on her makeup. Nova just admired the creative act of putting it onto her face to enhance her features. Even aliens had their beauty standards! They were just different to humans'. The most beautiful thing a person could be, in Nova's mind, was their authentic self. As she got ready, Nova thought about her friends for a moment with warmth, and the warmth that they brought to her, too. She smiled at her reflection, and then headed back into her room, blissfully unaware of what had happened the previous evening so far. 

In a room down the hall, Peia was getting ready herself. She let out a gentle hum of happiness as she thought about the kiss that she had shared with Colt the previous afternoon. It hadn't been an intense kiss, more a gentle moment like the breeze that had gone past them, but it never left her mind. However, Peia did have to consider for a moment whether it had made her feel good because she had feelings for Colt, or maybe it was just that in that moment she had felt more wanted. Regardless, she continued to get ready. She knew that Aurora probably wouldn't be so happy with her at present. She knew that Aurora had distanced herself from Colt, but deep down perhaps there was this tugging sensation that what she had shared with Colt wasn't right. She brushed through her bluish black hair and exhaled, as she stepped into the shower and let the warm streams wash away any of her anxieties. Besides, she had things to occupy her mind. The fact that there was a Tuldroxi ship heading their way was the main one in recent times. 

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