Chapter Four

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Hours had passed since Nova had her conversation with Peia, and she decided she wanted to catch up with Leo, so she went to find him. He was sat outside, and a cool breeze caught up as Nova went to sit beside him.

Nova had always been more of a night owl than an early bird, so she appreciated it when the sky began to shift colours. She hadn't seen many sunsets on Earth, but she had fallen in love with each one she had seen, and the tones that the sky changed to including reds, oranges and dusty shades of rose. 

She admired the sky for a moment before she met Leo with a good-natured beam. 

Leo was the kind of person who wanted to be there for his friends no matter how short of a time he had known them for, and no matter what they did. Due to this, he fully appreciated being in their company. He smiled back at Nova. 

"Hello," he said. 

"Hey," Nova replied. 

Nova was happy to see him, ultimately, but she was a little concerned that he was all by himself. She voiced this. 

"Are you okay?" She asked him. 

"You're here, so yes," Leo returned. 

Nova's cheeks pinkened a little then, though she wasn't so sure why. She guessed she was just glad to be appreciated, in all honesty. 

The both of them took a moment to just enjoy each other's company, but eventually Leo grew a little tired, and so told Nova he was going to retire to bed early. Nova gave a nod in agreement, and while there was a part of her that was debating whether she should tell Leo about the possibility of his parents or family still being out there, for now, she decided to leave it until a later point. At least, in her mind, it wasn't worth bringing up when she didn't have all of the facts yet. 

As Leo had headed back into the base, he came across Aurora sitting near a fountain in the hall. 

"Aurora, is anything bothering you?" Leo asked her, as he came to sit beside her. 

"I don't think so," Aurora said. Well, she was still thinking about what Dana had said to her, but she was currently trying to brush that aside. "Should there be?" She joked. 

"I don't know. You're the Galaver with the powers people are in awe of," Leo pointed out. 

"Yeah, and powers that Dana wants to help me develop. I just felt like taking a break from work for a moment," Aurora said, adjusting the colour of her blue shirt a little. It had the Galaveri seven-pointed star embellished on the front of it. 

"I'll stick around for a moment," Leo replied. 

"Speaking of did your research on the weapon you found go?" Aurora asked him. 

"It's with Dana at the moment, so results haven't quite come in yet," he admitted. 

"I'm sure they will do, though, Leo. There's a chance that you might be able to get more answers about your life," Aurora said with a kind smile, "I better get going. I'll speak with you soon." Aurora said. 

"Sure. Goodbye, Aurs," Leo said. 

Aurora had appreciated her conversation with Leo. Shortly thereafter, she went to sit with Colt in her room, which was now more or less Colt's room, too. He did spent quite a lot of his time there, after all. 

"Hey you. We should get going. See the meteor shower," Aurora told him. 

Colt turned to her then and gave a nod of agreement, and the two of them headed outside where they came to find the others. 

Invaded (Abducted #2) Completed ✅Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz