Chapter Ten

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Aurora awoke the next day feeling refreshed. Outside her room's window, she could see the sun's golden beams filtering into her room as the sun began to rise. There was a coldness to the room, and Aurora was under the impression that the seasons were changing. It appeared that weather on Earth was rather more unpredictable than it had been back on her home planet of Galaveri. Regardless, the shift in weather had acted as a reminder to Aurora for how long she had been landed on Earth. She never truly felt as though she got the chance to settle. After all, as soon as she had crashed upon the Earth's surface, mere moments had passed before she was snatched up by the villainous scientist, Lark Richmonds. Nevertheless, her heart became filled with a certain warmth when she realised that it had now been two months since she had first arrived. September first. A new start. 

At least, she wanted it to be. 

Aurora got up out of her bed and walked outside her room, after changing into a white sweater and jeans and boots, only to find Peia and Nova stood chatting there.

"Did you find out how his research was coming along?" Nova asked.

"No, I didn't. I thought it best to give Leo some time to himself. I think the both of us are still a little on edge about the appearance of this Tuldroxi space craft," Peia commented. 

Peia glanced towards Aurora then and gave her a pleasant smile, but turned back to Nova, "Goodbye, Nova, Aurora," she said, heading off towards Dana's office once more. 

Aurora wandered over to Nova then. 

"What was all that about?" she asked her. 

"I was just figuring out if Peia had found out any more information about the possible Tuldrox invasion," Nova stated.

"Right, of course," Aurora replied. 

"You're not okay with Peia right now, are you?" Nova asked her. 

"I'm not okay...but it's not got everything to do with her. It's just the fact that Colt's not talking to me," Aurora remarked. 

"No? I think he's been talking to Dana about possibly travelling to the city, so he can begin to work alongside Lani on these research projects," Nova commented. 

Aurora simply nodded then. 

"Right, of course," she echoed her previous words. 

"He has a good deal and...he practically sees Lani as family, anyway, Aura. It might be good for him," Nova pointed out. "We can't all be together forever," Nova stated. 

Aurora knew this, ultimately, but that didn't stop that numb feeling that entered her chest when she thought about Colt potentially leaving. It hurt. She didn't want to vocalise that it did, but Nova could read her mind, and she already knew how that had saddened Aurora. She just met her with a sympathetic expression. 

"We have to stop fighting the passing of time, Aurora," Nova stated, "Colt has his life- you have yours," she said. 

Aurora also knew this, too, but it still hurt. She had a connection with Colt- one that was real and transcended the laws of physics on his planet, but still, it had appeared. Now, it seemed as though it was breaking. Perhaps this was just a part of getting older; getting used to things ever being the way they once were. 

"I think Leo has a lot on his mind. He'd like to make everyone believe he's okay but..." Nova trailed off. 

Aurora just inhaled then, trying to steady her emotions once more. 

"Right, yeah. You should," she said. 

"I'll speak to you later, Aurora," Nova told her, giving her a reassuring shoulder squeeze as she passed by her. 

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