Chapter 10: God, I hate him

Start from the beginning

"Can we get this over with, please?" Liam whined. "It's a Saturday... I do have a life outside of this pack." Stiles snorted and Liam glared at him sharply.

"Not for long," Stiles said in a sing song voice, but a yawn escaped his lips.

Scott smirked at him and said, "Malia keeping you up?" As he wiggled his eyebrows. Malia? The werecoyote they had rescued?

Stiles rolled his eyes dramatically, "Yeesss," he groaned, dragging the word out. "She's still showing up in my bed in the middle of the night." There was a painful jarring in my chest at that sentence.

Isaac gave a low whistle, wiggling his eyebrows like Scott. "Lookey, lookey! Stiles has himself a girlfriend."

"She is so not my girlfriend," Stiles shot back, an embarrassed blush spreading across his face.

I frowned and sat up a little straighter as my face grew hot. suddenly not so confident in my half naked body being laid out. I got up quickly and stomped up the stairs to get dressed, ignoring the reactions of all of the idiots in the room as I went. I held my breath so I wouldn't have to smell their emotions. Maybe I was wrong about Stiles. I had only checked on him a couple times in the last week, and it must have been too early in the night for the werecoyote to be there yet, because I hadn't seen her. But if she's staying in Stiles bed every night, I'm sure they weren't just sleeping. I detoured to the bathroom, wanting a hot shower to wash away the images forming in my brain.

* * * *

I watched Derek's muscular back go up the stairs as he stomped away, and felt completely dumbfounded. Everyone was quiet and clearly just as confused as I was. I heard a door slam and the water turn on in the bathroom as he started the shower. Alrighty then. I thought, turning back to the rest of them, ready to get this training over with.

"Can we get started? I'm already hungry," I complained to Scott.

He rolled his eyes, "Stiles... you just ate a protein bar on the way over!" He protested.

"So?" I asked. Like that meant anything. I was always hungry. I pulled a half eaten bag of mixed nuts out of my pocket and popped a few in my mouth. Everyone watched my actions with amusement. "What?" I said.

We finally got started, and Isaac went and got dressed so he could participate. Scott was still working on controlling the shift with Liam, and Isaac took over what was usually Derek's job of teaching me to defend myself. He was a much less aggressive teacher, which was something I appreciated... but he's still a mouthy shit. He was teaching me how to use the things around me to my advantage in a fight. He was vaulting off of every surface in the room, flipping and spinning expertly. I watched him, impressed, as he finished his last flip and turned to face me.

"See? Easy." He said, totally unfazed. I rolled my eyes at his nonchalant attitude and gave it a try. I definitely wasn't as graceful. I was in the middle of placing my foot in the correct position on edge of the kitchen counter when I was distracted by the sound of Derek opening the bedroom door upstairs. I lost my footing and crashed into Isaac, getting elbows and feet in uncomfortable places as we rolled across the floor together. When we finally stopped moving, Isaac was straddling my hips and had my hands pinned above my head, his own face inches from mine. We stared at each other for a moment as we tried to catch our breath.

A menacing growl sounded from the stairwell and we both turned our heads to see Derek looking at us angrily. I looked at Derek quizzically from underneath Isaac, who was still on top of me and hadn't released my wrists yet. Isaac looked from Derek down at my eyes and back at Derek again. I didn't understand what was going on, but he rolled off of me quickly and backed away a little, a grin on his face. The grouchy werewolf still standing on the stairs visibly relaxed at his departure and I frowned. What was that?

I forgot the incident quickly as my stomach rumbled. "Scott," I whined. "Can we go get breakfast now?" I asked for the millionth time and glanced at the clock. "More like brunch."

He rolled his eyes, but nodded. "Yes, Stiles. We'll feed the beast. Anyone else coming?" Everyone nodded an affirmation, including Derek. We made our way to the parking lot and climbed in the vehicles, all already knowing where we wanted to go without discussing it. There was only one diner in Beacon Hills that had good breakfast food. The five of us all huddled into a booth and I sat with Derek on one side of me and Isaac on the other as I hungrily read the menu. Both Derek and Isaacs arms were laid against mine comfortably, and I felt a fuzzy feeling in the pit of my stomach. What is going on with me?

We each ordered our food, and Liam and I ordered enough to feed a horse, twice. We were all babbling about the approaching full moon and what our plans were for this time around. I noticed that the brooding wolf to my right was quieter than usual and I nudged him with my elbow.

"What's got your panties in a twist?" I asked him.

He lowered his eyebrows at me and snapped, "Don't worry about it Stiles."

I recoiled a little, leaning into Isaac and glaring at Derek. "Fine," I snapped back.

Isaac adjusted his arm, stretching it out on the seat behind me. I shuffled a little closer to him, trying to get away from Derek's grouchiness. The arm behind me slid a little farther down the seat until Isaac's fingers were grazing my shoulder and I looked up at him through my eyelashes. I wasn't sure if he was touching me on purpose, and I didn't want to look obvious. His blue eyes were watching me with his eye lids lowered, and I was reminded about how good looking he was. His features were sharp and delicate, and I watched a muscle jump as he clenched his jaw and swallowed. I tore my eyes away as the waitress approached the table with our food, my focus broken and my stomach rumbling again.

We all dug in hungrily, the conversation quieting while we ate. Isaac kept his arm behind me, fingers trailing lazily across my shoulder blade every few minutes. I tried to ignore the butterflies that were fluttering in my stomach, keeping my eyes trained on the stack of chocolate chip pancakes in front of me. My mouth was stuffed with food and I took a breath in through my nose, catching a large scent of jealousy rolling off of the grumpy wolf to my right. I paused in my chewing and glanced at him, but he wasn't looking at me. He had his eyes on his plate as he chewed his food angrily and I shrugged it off, turning back to finish the last few bites of my meal.

What a strange day, I thought to myself. Everyone was acting so weird, including me. Maybe it's the full moon approaching.

The Fox and The Wolf - Book One {Sterek}Where stories live. Discover now