Chapter 8: Coach's Kids

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I had figured out what my anchor was in my room this morning, after my outburst. I hated it, but I couldn't help it. Mossy green eyes flecked with earthy brown and the scent of fresh forest air and mint, Derek freaking Hale is my anchor. Lord help me. A blush formed on my face as he asked me what it was. What do I say? I decided honestly was the best policy, despite my utter horror. He was frowning at me with those dark eyebrows pulled low.

"Why are you embarrassed Stiles? Whatever it is, it's nothing to be embarrassed about." He said calmly.

I snorted at him. "Easy for you to say! Yours is anger. That's not even remotely embarrassing. It's badass and tough, very manly man. 'I'm Derek Hale, macho of all machos'," I babbled on, still blushing.

"Stiles!" Derek shouted, getting my attention. "Just tell me," he said, exasperation evident in his tone.

"You, you stupid, grouchy werewolf," I blurted loudly, my face beet red. I continued in a quiet voice. "When I'm trying to calm down during a shift, your eyes and scent are what help me do it."

I could smell the shock in the air as he regarded me, but I wouldn't meet his eyes. I shouldn't have told him, I should have lied. Ugh, I'm an idiot. A moronic, teenage idiot. I was in the middle of my internal berating when I head his calm and quiet voice ask, "Why me?"

I whirled on him angrily, "You think I know?" I snapped at him. "You think I have any idea what's actually going on with me?! Just because I've been around you idiot werewolves since the get-go does not mean that I have a single clue as to how this is all going to work for me."

His eyes were suddenly right in front of me, my fox vision in full effect. We were staring at each other as I huffed out in anger, and the loft door slid open. Scott's scent filled the room and we both took a step back. He walked up to me immediately and I allowed him to touch my neck gently, reapplying his alpha scent that had been washed away in the shower. The training started right away, and it was exhausting. Shifting back and forth, back and forth as Scott and Derek tried to teach me control. The rest of our pack had funnelled into the loft to watch the spectacle.

Isaac and Kira sat on the couch, with Lydia's legs thrown across them comfortably. The idiots had made a bowl of popcorn and were munching on it as they watched our movements. I growled at the two werewolves in front of me. Neither one had had to shift into their wolf form throughout the entire practice, and it was both impressive and irritating.

"Haven't we had enough for today? I'm hungry," I whined at them. I eyed Isaac as he seductively placed a handful of popcorn in his mouth, purely for irritation purposes. I snarled at him and he grinned around the popcorn at me.

"No. Do you want to accidentally shift the next time someone tells you off at school? No? Then we keep going." Derek said angrily.

I glared at him as a growl started to grow in the back of my throat. I knew my anger was an overreaction, but I didn't care. Im hungry and tired and sick of the two of them being so calm, so in control, when I couldn't be. I lashed out as my claws extended easily, swiping at the wolves in front of me. I couldn't hear what they were saying in my fit of rage as I crouched into an attack position. I pounced at the one in red first, eyes on his chest as I threw a few punches and scratched with my claws. Someone grabbed me from behind and tried to pull me off, but I broke out of their grasp easily as I flipped them onto the floor. My other target was approaching from behind me and I whirled and slammed them against the wall. I pinned them to the wall and brought my clawed hand back, ready to lash at their throat.

"STILES," Derek yelled from beside me, and I turned to look at him. My breathing was out of control and anger was coursing through my veins. His eyes held mine and I inhaled his scent, allowing it to cloud my brain. I focused on his eyes and slowed my breathing. I released whoever I was holding against the wall and turned to face Derek completely. He put his hands on my shoulders and I calmed at the touch, slowly feeling my claws retract and my tail shrink. He let me go once I had fully shifted back to my human form.

The Fox and The Wolf - Book One {Sterek}Where stories live. Discover now