Vital festival

Comincia dall'inizio

*Ignore Jaune's beard.*

Nora:" Y/n?!"

Y/n:" Oh, hey, Nora, what up?"

Nora:" Pretty good, how about you."

Y/n:" Same I-"

I was going to continue talking to Nora, but the type of arena was being selected.

Y/n:" Oh, I guess it's time to fight."

Nora:" So it is."

The two themes of the arena were selected, and our half changed into a barren wasteland with a few run-down buildings. Our opponents half transformed into a dessert with a few boulders and tumbleweeds.

Third-person P.O.V. ~

The commentator of the match yelled begin as the two teams of huntsmen charged at each other. Pyrrha and Akame sword's clashed as there fight began. Jaune's shield blocked Tatsumi's blade as Tatsumi's attempted attack had failed. Ren started shooting at Leone, who had dogged most of Rens shots, but one had hit her shoulder, hurting her slightly but nothing much. Nora had swung her hammer at Y/n, making him get sent flying back. Nora then rushed to Y/n, trying to smash him with her hammer, but Y/n ignited his blade's and parried with his two short swords. When their weapons were still connected, Y/n kicked Nora in the stomach, making her get sent flying back on her side. Y/n rushed at Nora, but Nora got up and transformed her hammer into its rocket launcher form and shot at Y/n. When her mistle hit Y/n, Nora just assumed that the fight was over, but Y/n grabbed Nora's leg in his devil form and threw her high in the air.

Y/n:" Hope you aren't afraid of heights...."

Wings sprouted from Y/n's back as Y/n he flew right above Nora and grabbed her. Y/n dove with to the ground with Nora still in his grip as they raced towards the field in a dive bomb. Y/n smashed Nora into the ground, completely draining her aura. Jaune and Tatsumi kept on fighting as Tatsumi activated his armor and focused almost all of his energy into his fist and punched Jaune out of the arena with one swift punch. Akame knocked  Pyrrha's shield out of her grip and thrust her blade, stabbing her aura not enough to kill her but just enough to make her pass out as her aura was poisoned by Akame's semblance making her pass out. Ren was still shooting at Leone while Leone was dodging and catching his bullets. After Leone had gotten close to Ren, she threw his bullet's back at Ren. Ren tried to shoot his bullet's out of the way but one bullet which he missed cam back and hit him in the chest, making his aura go down by quite a bit. Ren was recovering from having his dust bullets shot at him Leone punched Ren in the gut incredibly hard as Ren was sent flying out of the arena. It was then announced that team KILL won their battle and moved to the doubles round of the tournament. Tatsumi took his armor off as Y/n and Leone went back into there standard forms as Y/n's nanomechanical clothing appeared back on him. Team Kill left the arena to discuss who would fight in the next round. The team of huntsmen went to a local dinner and ordered some food.

Akame:" So who do you think should be the next."

Tatsumi:" Well, I think that Leone should go mainly because of how strong she is and her strong aura."

Y/n:" I second that."

Akame:" Okay, so it's decided Leone will be one of the ones fighting. So who is the second one."

Leone, Tatsum&Y/n:" You."

Akame:" Okay, why?"

Leone:" Your swordsmanship and semblance will be extremely useful in fighting other people."

Akame:" Okay, it's decided then. Leone and I will be the ones fighting in the next time."

Y/n:" So when is the next round?"

Abusive Yang x abused male belladonna reader x LeoneDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora