Chapter Eleven

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Chapter Eleven

Marie's Pov.

I walk in to the house with Clay , Hope , and Grace following me. Clay holding the box with the scrap books. The boys are messing around in the living room , no surprise their. Clay sets the box down on a table. Its quiet crazy how things are turning out now. The wedding seems to be coming soon and it feels like their is still so much to do. If in middle school I was told that I'd be engaged to a werewolf, I'd probably laugh, no die of laughter. Its crazy how life turns out. Clay sets the scraps books down on the living room table and soon everyone but me is in the living room but me. I stay in the door way of the living room looking at all my friends and their mates as well as watching my future husband. No one worrying about Danny or the future just having fun. Seth turns and smiles at me. A smile makes it's way on to my face. In this moment I honestly couldn't be happier. Seth grabs my arm and pulls me into the room. For the rest of the night we all hang out, share stores of the past and talk about the future.  We share our worries, our fears, our hopes, and our dreams. For the first time I realize how soon adult hood is coming for us all. It's a scary thought and I honestly don't think any of us are truly ready for what's to come. For now we will live in the moment and all the while plan for the future.

Authors note:

Hello readers, This is Orginalme aka Angel Lyrics. I'd like to thank you all for reading this. This is my most popular book and my oldest on Wattpad. I'm constantly seeing votes and people adding this book to their reading list. Thanks to you this book has 6.7k reads and 135 votes. It means so much to me. I started writing this when I was in middle school and now I'm a senior. I've long forgotten the plot to the story but I'll try to keep it going. It's rather crazy to see how this story has boomed over the years. So this very short chapter is dedicated to you readers.  Thank you so much and I hope to create more chapters soon. 


Orginalme aka Angel Lyrics

P.s If anyone has fan art I'd love to see it you can find my twitter and tumblr in my profile(I think).

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2016 ⏰

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