Chapter two .

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Chapter two .

Marie's pov.

I wake up to the smell of bacon . I run down the stairs and into the kitchen. Seth is cooking bacon . The twins are sitting on the counter and Luke is laying on the table holding his head but most importantly Seth is cooking BACON!!!! Anyone that knows me knows that I have a very unhealthy love for bacon almost as unhealthy as bacon itself.

" Oh my god is that Bacon." I yell .

" Ow my head ."says Luke . I start jumping up and down in excitement.

"Yes its bacon. Sorry about Luke he decide to get wasted last night and now has a head ache . The twins I have no clue what they are doing ." Says Seth casually.  I'm am solely focused on that bacon right now.

" Well I don't care . Just give me some Bacon !" I yell. See what I mean about unhealthy love for bacon.

"OW The Head . " Says Luke. I stick my tongue out at him. 

" No this is my bacon ." Says Seth. I give him puppy dog eyes . I'm gonna get that bacon.

" Please ." I say extending the e at the end.

" Fine. Just stop with the puppy dog eyes . Their killing me ." says Seth . I stop the puppy dog eyes and start doing a happy dance around the kitchen. Resulting in the boys laughing at me but I don't care cause I get bacon.

" Here you go . " Says Seth setting down a plate of bacon on the island . I pick it up and skip around eating bacon til I find the living room. I should have explored the house yesterday but I was still pretty mad and I drew most of my time away. I turn on the TV, to cartoons of course . I laugh at the show, which is Adventure time. Finn and Jake are so funny .

" YEA CARTOONS ! " Yell the twins in unison . I roll my eyes at them and  laugh.

"Heck yea now sit down and shut it . " I say. They run to the couch. I am sitting on the floor . I finish the bacon and set the plate aside. I get absorbed in to the TV.

" What are you guys doing ? " ask Seth . I jump and scream . Shit where did he come from. I place my hand over my heart and start breathing heavily.

"What Its not like your watching a scary movie ." says Seth  confused as to why I jumped.

" You just scared me." I say  relaxing.

" Cartoons . Really?" Ask Seth looking at the TV.

" Yes .Now shut it and or sit down ." Says The twins .

" Lets get out of here bed head ." Says Seth ruffling my hair. I swat his hands away.  We may be getting married by he doesn't have to touch me.

" No I wanna watch cartoons." I say crossing my arms and pouting. Seth picks me up and carries me out of the room. I struggle to get out of his arms.

" You got to get ready for lunch our parents are coming over ." Says Seth .

" I don't wanna see my parents, right now. " I say . To be honest I'm still quiet mad at them.

"But you got to. Now get ready ." Says Seth Setting me down in front of the stairs . I run up the stairs and in to our room . I find what I want to wear . Its a floral pint dress with a sweet heart neck line and a Leather jacket , that I stole from Seth. Evil yes I know. To be fair we are going to be married so I can take what I want of his.  I put on black flats and curl my hair. What I wanna look nice for Seth's parents its the first time I'm meeting them, in a good setting that is. I start heading down stairs . " Danny Get out of my house !" Yells Seth . Why the hell is my ex here?

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