Chapter three .

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Chapter three.

Marie Pov.

Text from clay.

I open my phone to read my text from Clay . He's a friend of mine . He's gay and its funny when me , him ,Grace , and Hope have a girls night . Grace tried to get him kicked out of girls night but hello he's gay and has no other friends .

" Hey Baby ." I yell .

" What ? " ask Seth as he walks in to our room .

"Can Clay come over ? " I ask . He gets tense . "Clay's gay ."I say . He relxes .

"Next time start off with that .Sure . Why ? " He ask .

"Oh cause he's standing outside . " I say smiling . Seth shakes his head . I walk down stairs . I open the door and get hugged by Clay .

" Hey girl . "He says .

"Hey Girlish ." I say . He laughts .

"So this is your house . Your lucky you got a hot guy . " Says Clay.

" Back off my man . " I say . We both burst out laughting .

"Marie you didn't tell me Clay's a wolf . " says Seth .

"Dude I just reccentaly found out about wolfs do you think I would know he's a wolf . " I say Glaring at Seth .

" Opps . "He says trying to act innocent . I roll my eyes . I look over at Clay who's drooling over Seth . I smack him .

"Don't drool over my hubby ." I say .

"I can't help if he's hot ." says Clay .

"Whatever but get he's mine ."I say walking away from them and in to the game room . Grace is sitting with her arms crossed . She's pissed again . "What happened this time ? "I ask .

"Duke got drunk and ingnored me .again ." says Grace .She seems sad , which is odd for her .

"Grace why are you sad ? " I ask.

"I just don't know how to tell him . "She says .

"Tell him what ? " I ask .

"Okay remeber like a month ago . I hooked up with Duke at a party ? " She ask .

"Oh yea you tried to get me to go to it . " I say .

" Well I um I 'm pregnate ." She says . I scream and start jumping up and down.

" Omg . Just tell him . "I say .

"Are you sure I should tell him ? " She ask .

" Yes . " I say . I run and open the door . " Duke Get YOUR ASS IN HERE . "I yell . He runs in the room .

"What ? " He ask out of breathe .

" Grace has something to tell you ." I say .

"And that is ? "He ask annoyied .

" Boy don't act like that . " I say .

"Duke I'm I'm um pregnate . " says Grace . Duke hugs her .

"Baby this is great . " He says . Seth walks in with a monster . I steal it from him and drink like half of it .

"Whats in Marie's hands ? "ask Grace. Seth steals his monster back . I start running around like a crazy person . I'm not aloud to have monster . I get overly hyper . Grace tells Seth something . He takels me to the ground .

"Aw poo you guys are no fun I wanna have FUN ! "I say . Clay comes in .

"Who let Marie have monster ?" ask Clay .

" She stole it from me and drank half of it . "says Seth " You'll get punished later from that . "

" Hahaha what you gonna do to me ? You can't hurt me . "I say . I start smiling like an idiot . " Smartalick . " says Seth . I start laughting . I calm down after an hour of giving them hell . I fall on the coucht .

"I'm done . " I say sighing . I had put bows in Seth's hair . I did make up on Clay and I dressed Duke like a girl . Grace just sat back and watched the show .

" Can we get this stuff of ? "ask Seth .

" Yea ." I say yawning. I fall asleep .

My dream .

"Hello bitch ." says Danny .

" Danny What do you want ? " I ask rudely .

" To bad you think this is a dream . " He says .

"Well duh its a dream .I just fell asleep ." I say .

" I'm going to make you mine .Before your mate can mark you and claim you . " He sneers . " Shut it Seth would never let you near me . " I say .

" I could just kill him . I am a rouge now . He kicked me out of the pack to protect you . He's the Alpha .I will have you as mine . " he says.

" Go die in a hole ." I yell .He slapped me .

End of Dream

I woke up holding my face . I couldn't see Seth . I began to panick .

"Seth ! "I yelled. He ran into our room . I hugged him .

" Baby whats wrong ? "He ask .

" Danny was in my dream . He threaten to kill you .He theathen to take me away . " I cry .

" That won't happen ." Whispers Seth .

" He said something about making me his before you can mark me and claim me . What does that mean? " I ask hugging Seth thighter .

"Its a werewolf thing that you are not ready for ."says Seth .

"Could you still explain it to me ? " I ask .

"Fine but I want everyone thats in the house out . So hold on . "says Seth . I let go of him . He walks out of the room . He comes back a few minutes later. " Okay well for werewolfs we mark our mates by bitting them ." says Seth .

" Okay that sounds like it would hurt ." I say .

" It doesn't if your a wolf .Oh and now the claiming is when they do it ." says Seth .

"Okay . Wow I'm definately not ready for that .Wait will you have to turn me in to a wolf ? '' I ask .

" Yes I will have to but only when your ready." he says.I smile at him .

" Your really sweet ." I say .

" I try." he says . I hug him . He kisses my check. This is really different . What have I gotten in to ?

Authors Note : This has been edited a bit.Hope you like it.

~Love Orginal me.

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