Chapter eight

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This Chapter is dedicated to AlexMeganMacchi Thanks for commenting first on the Authors note.I like the idea of a fight.So I'll give ya one. ;)

Chapter Eight.

Marie's Pov.

I was having a dream about Seth and me when we first met and it kind of pissed me off.Wanna know why ? Cause the stupid head pretended not to know who I was , waited to tell me that the door was locked ,was being a pervert , stole my first kiss , and probably planed the whole getting us trapped on the roof.He also could have stopped Danny from hitting me.To add on to that he hid my phone from me.Now he's sleeping beside me.I glare at him and grab a pillow.I don't care if he's been working a lot to help pay for our wedding.He is so dead right now.I start whacking him with a pillow.

"I'm up I'm up."He says trying to make me stop hitting him.I continue to hit him with the pillow."Marie stop hitting me."He yells.

"No you evil bastard."I yell hitting him hard with the pillow.

"Hey what did I do ?"He ask trying to protect himself from the pillow.

"A number of thing.I'm so mad at you."I yell hitting him more.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean it."He says thinking he said something.I stop hitting him with the pillow.

"Idiot I'm talking about when we first met on the roof."I say.

"Oh hehe."He say shyly smiling.

"I can't believe you."I say getting out of bed.

"Come on Marie its three in the morning just come back to bed."He say.

"No."I yell going down stairs.

"Marie."He yells following me into the kitchen.I don't respond just start looking for something to eat."I'm sorry for being a pervert on the roof.Okay , you happy now?"He ask.

"That's not all I'm mad about."I say getting some ice cream.

"Then what else are you mad about?"Seth ask starting to get mad himself.

"One you pretend not to know who I was when you actual knew and was planing to marry me.Two you waited to tell me the door was locked.Three you stole my first kiss.Four your probably planed the whole roof thing.Five you could have stopped Danny and six you hid my phone from me."I yell.

"Well I'm sorry its not like I could go up to you and say hey I'm a werewolf your my mate and were going to get married sorry I've never talked to you before but this is how its got to be.I couldn't just magically stop Danny from hitting you heck the only time I've see him hit any one is if they were a rouge.So what you could have called a friend to get away from me.I wasn't going to let that happen.I didn't plan the roof thing it was an accident you caused by going to the roof in the first place."He yells.

"Oh so its my fault we got suck on the roof.You could have said something."I yell.

"Well I can't help your invisible."He yells.

"Oh really now.Then your like every ass at that thing we call high school."I yell throwing the tub of ice cream at him.Seth ducks and it hits the wall.

"Are you on your period or something cause your PMSing a lot right now?"He ask almost yelling.

"Ya know what fuck you."I yell storming in to the living room.

"What going on you two woke us up?"Ask Luke eating some food.

"Why are you here? All's you ever do is eat our food we have to pay for that ya know and me have a stupid wedding coming up .The groom thinks I'm invisible.I'm a human fucking being."I yell.I punch the wall leaving a dent.

"Okay Marie take a few deep breathes and go apologizes to Seth."says Grace.

"Why should I ? He shouldn't have done what he did."I say crossing my arms.

"Don't be a two year old about this.Calm down and go apologize.He will also apologize then you two can go back to bed."says Grace.She's right.Ugh stupid pregnant women and their calming motherly ways.I take a few deep breathes.

"Fine I will go apologize."I say uncrossing my arms.I go back to the kitchen and Seth is not their.For the next hour I secure around the house for him."Guys I can't find Seth. I've looked everywhere in the house."I say when I get back to the living room.

"He's probably out for a run that's what werewolves do when they get mad."says Clay.I nod understanding.

Its been two hours since I looked around the house.Seth still isn't back yet.He could have got attacked by Danny or worse.Where is he? Oh god now I'm passing.He should be fine but what if he isn't.I then spot him out the kitchen window.I run out side and hug him.

"I'm so sorry.I shouldn't have got mad.Don't scare me like that.You could have been attacked by Danny or worse."I say hugging him tightly.

"I'm fine Marie.I'll never let anything happen to me.I'm sorry too."He says hugging me and breathing in my scent.

"I love you."I say.

"I love you too Marie."He say before kissing me.God I can never hate him even if I want to.

Authors note :Hey guys sorry I haven't updated this but I just figure out what I was going to do for this story.I added just a pinch of drama nothing to big.Lol.Any way thanks Alex for being the first to comment on the Authors note before this chapter.<3 all who are reading this , which is a lot.

~love Orginalme

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