13, Switch

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[ Kim Jisoo ]

"Jisooㅡ hey where the fuck are you going?!" I heard Jungkook shouted but I ignored him.

My mind was damn messed up right now and the only thing I'm thinking is how to get out of here and removed this bloody shit on my hands.

I stopped for a moment and panted for air. Damn, I think I ran much further than I thought.

"Now where the hell am I?" I mumbled to myself, slightly bending down on my knees. I was still catching the loss of oxygen when I felt someone tapped my shoulders making me shrieked on my place again.

My heart is in fucking danger if this continues.

"Oh god, calm down." I heard someone chuckled. The flashlight showed his face and turns out it was Taehyung.

"Damn you!" I cursed and throw him punches out of frustration. He just chuckled and cross his arms to blocked my fist.

"Sorry, sorry." He said between his laughs.

"No shit." I angrily said, kicking him somewhere. I think that's his knees because he wobbled down the floor while laughing.

While he's busy laughing his ass, I decided to snatched his phone away. The phone opened for a second with an unsurprisingly wallpaper of Irene.

Well damn, he's pretty whipped to her.

I directed the flashlight in front and saw a straight lead to I don't know where. "If you don't stop laughing right now Kim Taehyung, I'll leave you." I mumbled, pissed.

"Okay chill. Damn girl."

Okay, why did I found his profanity hot?

Wait whatㅡ

I shook my head violently. You should stop right there Kim Jisoo, when did you even found curses hot? Oh god, I think I need to go on church and see jisoos.

lol see what i did there

"Why did you leave Irene there, dumbass?" I asked after a few minutes of silence. We just walked side by side, a little closer to each other since I'm the only one who has the flashlight here, credits to his phone of course. I was contemplating if I should hand it back to him now but stop when the thoughts of him running away with his phone, leaving me alone in this horror shit dawned into me.

I've only known him for one month and I have already keep up with his personality. Well, same with the others. Though, I'm much more closer to Jimin, Taehyung and Jungkook since they always bothered me most of the time.

"Well. . ." I glance at Taehyung who was wearing an unsure expression. "I don't know either." He shrugged. I smacked his head to make some sense to him.

"What the hell! Why are you always abusing me?" He hissed and rubbed his head. Oh yeah, I haven't say sorry about the punch earlier.

"Maybe if you're not a crackhead, I'll stop harassing you." I sneered and continue walking.

Taehyung followed after. "They're with her anyway." He said, referring to Namjoon and the rest. I nodded hesitantly. This boy seriously don't have any idea about his friends having some kind of beef towards Irene.

Now, I'm worried about her. What if they all left Irene there?

"I think we should wait for them." I said and paused. Taehyung stopped also but eventually continued walking.

"I trust them, Jisoo." He said, before giving me a cheeky grin. "And besides, don't you want to get rid of that disgusting ketchup in your hands?" He pointed the fake blood in my hands. Now that I realized, I smell like tomato sauce.

I fake a gag which made Taehyung burst into laughter once again. Do I look like a fucking clown to him? Bruh.

I just ignored him and continue walking. He'll follow anyway.

"I think you guys were the first batch of customers to take 1 hour on escaping our horror booth!" Seulgi laughed loudly while clutching her stomach.

"Except for us. We've arrived fifteen minutes earlier." I said, showing my smug grin to the boys who were still panting for air.

Turns out they all ran and got rambled inside making such a ruckus. Good thing, I wasn't there to witness their stupidity.

"Well maybe if you didn't run in the first place, things would have been much easier!" Jungkook sent me a glare. I arched my eyebrows at his sudden yell. "Now you're blaming me instead of the bloodly ketchup?"


I huffed and sent him a competitive glare. Who pissed his pants this time?!

"Now now, let's all calm down everyone. I believe its time to eat some food." Jin fanned himself, looking a little stress but still regained his composure. "My handsome face is getting stress due to all of you."

"Speaking of food, Yoongi hyung's probably waiting for us." Namjoon nervously said.

"Well then, you guys should go now! I still have duty so I'll probably come by to your cafe later." Seulgi sent me a wink before leaving.

I glance at Taehyung and Irene who's chatting a little too far from us. After Taehyung and I escaped the horror booth successfully, I quickly removed the ketchup from my hands and went through all the sanitizers to remove the disgusting smell.

Taehyung helped me. . . a little because he was too busy laughing at my grimaced expression. I swear to god, this boy always laugh whenever he's with me.

When we came back to the horror booth, we could still hear Hoseok's screams inside so we've waited a few minutes until it stopped and revealed Namjoon, Jin, Jimin and Hoseok gasping for air. Seconds later passed with Jungkook coming out wearing a pissed expression with Irene beside him.

I guess we've switch partners lol.

"Let's go! I heard there's a panda express downstairs!" Jimin beamed. That caught everyone's attention, even Taehyung who's busy chatting with Irene.

Noted. Everybody loves Panda Express.

"Panda Express. Panda Express. Panda Express."

Oh boy.

that's it for my double update! im sorry if my chapters didn't satisfy you but i'll try my best to improve it! ^^

stay safe and healthy ~! ♡

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Aug 12, 2020 ⏰

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