Observatory Days

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There were mountains full left unsaid between the pair in their final moments together all those years ago. Arthur knew this, and Merlin knew this.

Arthur finally, finally saw the person that Merlin truly was. He was the man who would do anything for him, the man who protected him at every turn, the man who had to sit there and endure Arthur whenever he went on a rant about magic or when he mistreated him.

As the pair kissed again, Arthur could feel these thoughts and memories coming back to him. All the times he had acted badly towards Merlin flooded his mind and made him feel a pang of guilt. He also remembered how, no matter what, Merlin never left his side. He was always there for him, a constant in Arthur's hectic life as Prince then King of Camelot. Even while he was dying, Merlin was there, despite Arthur initially wanting him out of his sight. But Merlin could never be pushed away, he always came back to him. Although he didn't realise it at the time, that was something that Arthur deeply loved about Merlin. His devotion, his unmatched loyalty.

Arthur had poured his heart out to Merlin in his final moments. He had to let Merlin know how much he meant to him before he died. Arthur had tried to cherish every last moment he had with Merlin, he wanted to take the memories he had with him to the afterlife. He held onto his hair as his last physical act, his way of committing Merlin's face to memory. He had brought himself to say "Thank you." to him right before he died. Those two little words, however, held a much more significant meaning when he said them to Merlin at that time, and Arthur knew that.

In the midst of their second kiss, which was lasting a lot longer now that none of them were caught by surprise by the other, Arthur's thoughts were a ravishing mix between the fact that he was kissing Merlin and last words that he had said to him. Arthur couldn't believe himself; it was so obvious that he loved Merlin deeper than he had loved anyone else in his life. Whilst his "Thank you." was genuine, it was full of more compassion than anything he had said before. Arthur found a clear thought at last amidst his otherwise occupied mind:

1,500 years ago, he should have told Merlin that he loved him.

Arthur didn't tell him then, so he had to tell him now.

Merlin felt Arthur slowly pull away again and waited for the clotpole to say something. His own mind was clouded by the fact that Arthur had kissed him. Twice. Merlin could once again feel the hotness of Arthur's breath they were that close, he was sure Arthur could feel his.

Through tears that he didn't even know were forming, Arthur finally broke the silence between the two.

"I love you." He uttered in a quiet voice as if he couldn't truly believe what he was saying. He finished it with one of his radiant smiles that Merlin had fallen in love with.

Merlin felt happy tears come to his eyes. His mouth opened slightly agape. How was it that hearing him admit those three little words was more of a shock than Arthur bloody kissing him? He would never know. Regardless, the moment had, at last, come for Merlin to admit how he had truly felt for God knows how long.

Arthur waited in bated breath for Merlin to say something, anything, in return. As he always did, Merlin came through in the end.

"I love you too, Arthur. I have done for a while." Merlin responded quietly, similarly to how Arthur had spoken when he admitted he loved him. In truth, Merlin didn't care if the whole damn world heard him. He'd shout it from the top of the observatory if he was up there. But for now, he and Arthur were on the third floor with a painting of Camelot in the background and the stars Merlin had charted watching over them.

It was perfection.

Hearing Merlin return his feelings for him sent Arthur's mind into overdrive. Sure, he had kissed him back and that was something beyond incredible but hearing the words come from Merlin's lips was something else entirely.

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