Secrets of a Warlock - Part 1

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"Painting? I thought you knew I wasn't the art type, Merlin." Commented Arthur, giving Merlin a puzzled look.

"I know. Neither am I to be honest, but I thought we could both give it a try."

Now, Arthur was giving Merlin an even more puzzled look. "Neither are you!?" he exclaimed in shock. "Merlin, have you seen your work at all?" Arthur held his palm up to the ceiling of the room. "That's fine art if I've ever seen it."

Merlin stood and listened to Arthur praise of him and was slightly taken aback. He hadn't charted and painted the world above them because he thought he could make 'fine art', he just enjoyed it. The stars, planets and constellations were fascinating to him, more so than his own magic. Which was impressive, considering the beauty that Merlin could create with as little as a flash of gold in his eyes.

"I'm glad you like it, my Lord. I guess years of practise helps. That and a lot of guidance from some art books downstairs."

"Of course. I don't recall painting as one of your natural talents anyway.†Arthur remarked jokingly, making Merlin let out a small laugh in return. "So, Merlin, what did you have in mind for us to paint? I assume it's something to do with that map."

"Well done, Sire. I actually wanted to paint Camelot over here." Merlin walked slowly to the blank part of the wall, waving his palm around at it as if Arthur couldn't already tell which part of the wall he wanted to paint. "I thought we could use the map as a guide, in know...we forgot anything." Arthur picked up on Merlin's solemnness after he said that. He briefly thought about Merlin's connection to Camelot and how it was as much Merlin's home as it was his. He knew in his heart that he would do this for Merlin.

"Well, I think that's a brilliant idea." Arthur said, hoping to make Merlin happy. "One problem though, we'll need some paint." He was right, Arthur couldn't see any in the room despite half it being painted.

Merlin pulled his 'forgetful Merlin' face and proceeded to lay the map on the floor. "Whoops, thought something was missing. I always keep some over here." He gestured towards an old, small chest that rested against the dark walls of the room. As Merlin sorted out what paints the pair needed, Arthur's mind wandered to the map in front of him. He observed every word printed on it, the detail of the drawings and how good of a condition it was in despite its age. Arthur knew it was well over 1,000 years old. Like Merlin.

"Yes, Arthur?"
"When was this map created? I don't think I ever saw one so detailed like this."

Merlin hesitated for a second before answering Arthur's question. He didn't want to freak him out with the answer but decided the truth was best for him to hear. After all, he knew that Arthur would be asking plenty more questions soon.

"The first drafts for it started about 20 years after the Battle of Camlann." He started, rummaging through the chest for a specific colour at the same time. "But it wasn't completed until about 2 years later. It's the most detailed map of Camelot you'll ever find." Once Merlin had found the colour he was searching for, he had a little internal celebration. "I helped to make it, actually."

Arthur listened to Merlin carefully, wanting to clearly hear everything he said. After hearing it, he focused on something that Merlin had said in particular.

Merlin was still in Camelot, 20 years after his death. He was involved enough to help make the map, which he had no doubt was something the council suggested.

But one thing nagged at Arthur. What was Merlin doing in Camelot? He wanted him to be there, of course, to protect the Kingdom and his people with his magic, as well as be around those who Arthur knew cared for Merlin, but he wouldn't have been Arthur's manservant anymore. Did he become an advisor? A member of the council? Did Gaius retire and give Merlin the job as Court Physician? Arthur HAD to know. He was so caught up in his thoughts that he didn't notice Merlin and his cans of paint next to the blank section of the wall.

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