Chapter XXIV: Together Forever

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Fitz was gone. He'd run off again, and Sophie wasn't exactly in a keen rush to get him back. She wouldn't mind setting things straight again with him though, but she could clearly see how oblivious she'd been. He'd liked her since he'd met her, and once upon a time, Sophie would've been overjoyed to know that. Now she had Keefe, and she couldn't let go of him for Fitz. Not that he'd forgive her now anyway.

Keefe could probably feel her confliction from across the makeshift camp, and came to sit on a log, patting the empty space next to it, inviting her to her come down. Hesitating slightly, Sophie got up and shook some leaves out of her hair. She wondered whether Keefe noticed her blushing slightly - he probably did somehow with the superhuman ability to spot something to tease her with. 

This was the third time she'd sat here, and both times before they'd kissed. This added a kind of tension to the air between them, and it should've made them both feel uncomfortable, only it didn't. Sophie grinned, such a Keefish gesture that it made the silent onlooker stifle a giggle. Obviously Sophie heard and turned to face them, scowling when she sensed lingering shadows nearby. She waved her hand and they disappeared, revealing a group of sniggering people. And then Sophie also noticed the cameras.

So not alone after all.

Keefe muttered a string of colourful words that his parents almost certainly wouldn't approve of, which Sophie suspected was part of the reason he said them, but it was probably because he'd just bumped into a vanished Biana.

"It was Tam's idea," Biana quickly said when Keefe began to reel on her, only for Tam to snort. 

"Your idea, not mine," he corrected, smirking at Keefe infuriatingly,  but Keefe just balled his hands into fists. Sophie noticed that neither Marrela or Dex were watching them, but Marrela didn't seem the kind to miss out on stuff like this. 

"Where are Marrela and Dex? Sophie asked, preparing for Tam to unveil a set of shadows, but he shrugged.

"I thought they were here," Wylie replied simply, clearly not bothered by their disappearance. No cannon set off either, so they weren't dead. In all honesty, they were probably fine and Sophie was worrying for nothing.

As if to prove her correct, Marrela and Dex both walked into the camp a little before dawn, laughing and holding hands. Dex looked slightly uncomfortable when he caught Sophie staring, but he didn't let go. His face was shining in a way Sophie hadn't seen on him before, but she could tell that he was happy.

"Where were you guys?!" demanded  Biana. "You missed out on the epic Keephie!!! They are soooooo cute together!!!"

"We got... Sidetracked," Dex explained, glancing briefly at Marrela, who nodded confidently. Biana smirked briefly, but it faded when Marrela reached for Tam. He flinched, and Biana scowled. Wylie sighed.

"You lot and your couples," he muttered, glancing at the cameras quickly. 

"If you're going to be a spoilsport then go do some light tricks," Biana retorted. 

Wylie rolled his eyes and walked off, flashes of light erupting from his hands that everyone seemed to ignore. Sophie noticed that the 6 of them had unconsciously organised themselves into 3 groups. Needless to say, she could guess the similarities.

"I suppose if you lot are too chicken to admit it, then I guess we'll go first," said Marrela nervously, glancing at Dex. He nodded, and a look of happiness came across his face. 

"As I'm sure you can fuss, me and Marrela.. We're a thing now. A couple." Biana grinned, but she'd obviously guessed that a while ago. 

"Your turn," teased Marrela, pushing Biana towards Tam. Biana muttered something inaudible, red in the face. Tam glanced at her nervously, reaching for her hand. 

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