Chapter XIV: Suicide or Murder

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Everyone heard the announcement. Well, everyone except Sophie - the updates were given via telepathy, which due to her impenetrable mind, meant she couldn't hear. The cameras prevented her friends telling her what it was, so she had to break into their minds to work out what it was. That was why her reaction was the most delayed, but it was hardly noticeable. Everyone was predictably delighted except Amy, who knew 2 things the others didn't; or at least didn't notice. The first thing was that they'd said 7 people could survive. There were 8 in their alliance, so someone had to die. And it would of course be the human.

The second thing was that there had to be a catch - the Neverseen would never deliver an announcement like that unless there was a catch or they would take it back. Basically, their would still only be one victor. Tears slipped down Amy's face as she realised that someone more powerful would have to die unless she did what she knew she had to do. Sophie would predictably offer to die instead of her, but who stood a better chance of taking down the neverseen? Her or Sophie? The answer was obvious - Sophie - so that meant she had to die. But no-one could stop her doing it. Besides, after John had died, did she really want to live?

No. She didn't. Not really. If she was going to die, she would do it on her own terms. Why should the Neverseen win? Let herself have one final victory. It was either commit suicide or be murdered. At least she could have a quick death this way. Say goodbye one last time. No-one would miss her. If they had to choose between her and Sophie, who would be chosen. That wasn't a question really. It would be Sophie.

Sophie had people to live for; friends who would risk their lives for her, a family that needed her - what did she have? No-one now. Amy choked back a sob as she felt the grey of hopelessness engulf her, feeling it echo deep into her bones. Her mind lost feeling, leaving a numbness and a realisation behind. This was always going to happen. Ever since she got reaped. The human was always going to die. It was just when and how. Whether she was murdered or of her own accord.

What was the point in living anymore? Simply there wasn't. It was time to stop stalling and just do it.  Amy reached for the glittering knife, feeling the jewelled handle press into her skin, leaving shaped blisters as she turned it around in her hand. She raised it to her throat, feeling droplets of blood spill onto her jumpsuit, barely staining the black.

"Amy!" The voice dragged her back to reality as she loosened her grip on the knife. It hit the ground with a thump, watching Sophie pick it up, feeling dazed. 

"Amy Rose Foster what on Earth are you doing?" Amy found the courage to reply, starting off with a squeak. She began her explanation before Sophie cut off, telling her "No, don't answer that; I know what you're doing." Amy looked down at the ground for a second before realising that Sophie wasn't going to stop her. Actually, she was going to try and stop her, but she couldn't.

"It's the only way and you know it." Sophie shook her head, refusing to accept the words coming out of her mouth. Yes, she knew it. That didn't mean she was going to admit it though. Amy smiled ruefully.

"I can do it for you!" she blurted at her, making Amy laugh. She was so predictable. What Sophie noticed though, was the bitterness in the laugh.

"No you can't," argued Amy angrily. "It was always going to happen and you know it. At least this way, I do it on my own terms." Sophie didn't agree.

"I'm brave enough to do it," she told her after about a minute. "I'm not afraid of dying." Amy let out another laugh; yes, this laugh was definitely bitter.

"That's the point!" Amy shouted back, mainly furious, but the jealousy creeping through. "You're brave Sophie Foster, you, you are the Moonlark. You are the bravest person in the world, or so you say! You claim to be brave, but you're not! You aren't afraid of dying, and you think that I am. You're right. I am afraid of dying. But you can't be brave unless you're afraid of something, and you aren't afraid of death." 

Amy felt her voice crack for a moment, pausing to catch her breath. Sophie was obviously not swaying enough, which left her with one final play. 

"Let me be brave Sophie." Her voice was only a whisper, but Sophie could hear it echoing in her ears. "I'm not trying to be as brave as you are, but let me be brave. Because this is me, being as brave as I can be." Sophie's grip faltered, loosening her grip on the knife; Amy gently pulled the knife away from her, pulling it into the position by her throat as before. 

"Don't do this," Sophie whispered into her ear. Amy shook her head.

"Mom, Dad - I love you. And I'm sorry," she said to the camera. Sophie's face was red and puffy with tears now, but Amy didn't care. "Let me be brave," she whispered to herself, inaudible to everyone except her. "Let me be brave, let me be brave, let me be brave." 

Sophie finally gave in, watching horror-struck as the knife plunged into her throat. The throat of the loyal, amazing human that was her sister.

"You'll pay for this!!" She howled into the distance. "You've taken too much from me. Now you're going to pay!!!!!" 


Ok, I lied. So my computer somehow started up again magically, and I dove right into this the second it did. So yeah, back to the story. RIP Amy Foster. I won't do too much grieving in the next chapter for the sake of moving the story on, so I'm sorry about that. But I tried to give Amy a meaningful, beautifully tragic death fitting for her character. 

Comment Amy in the comments if you have read this far. I can't tell you how bad I feel, but I need to move the story on. So from here on out, this is basically the start of the really horrible stuff. Amy's suicide was probably one of the saddest bits I think, but I'm aiming for this book to have 27 chapters. Each 

This chapter is dedicated to @Dreaming_Magic just for voting and stuff. Thanks. That's it for this update. Cheers!!

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