Chapter XVIII: Are we to win?

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"But how do we win?"

The others were sitting on logs, talking about how they would win the games; Sophie was slumped against a tree, listening in, but not adding anything to the conversation. She finally understood what Amy had worked out just before her death, but she daren't say it to anyone else because it would destroy all hope. Hope was all they really had right now. She didn't want to be the one to take it all away.

The Neverseen would never let all of them survive willingly - it was likely a ploy to make an exciting finish to the games. There would still be only one winner, and if the Neverseen were left to choose who would win, it would be easy to guess who would survive.

"What do you think Sophie?" 

"Huh?" Tam's question dragged Sophie out of her stupor, making Sophie realise she hadn't been paying the slightest bit of attention to what they'd been saying. "Yeah, whatever." Tam frowned for a minute, but ignored Sophie's obvious lack of attention. Sophie made an effort to listen to what they were saying, but it didn't make an awful lot of sense to her. After that, she stopped trying and focused on the other trains of thought that were rambling around her head. She worked out that other than those in the alliance, there were only six other people.

That meant, they probably had to kill them all; Ruy, Fintan, Jensi, Ro, and with a tinge of regret, Fitz and Marrela too. Then again, there were more than seven in the alliance, so did it really matter? If there could only be seven survivors...

Ha! There wouldn't even be that. Only one victor, and if the Neverseen could choose one out of our alliance, it would easily be Keefe. Sophie needed a way to make sure the Neverseen stuck to their word. As she was thinking this, a plan began to formulate in her mind. It was risky, but it had a good chance it would work.

Sophie didn't have a chance to devise any more of the plan, because everyone around the circle sat up and began to walk off. 

"What's happening?" Sophie whispered to Keefe, following him and trying to look as though she knew what to do. Keefe looked at her nervously, flicking his eyes towards her for a moment.

"You're meant to be setting a trap, with you an enhancing Biana, and turning invisible with her, before mimicking the voice of Jensi to trap them here. Then you hit them with you're inflicting. Tam and you will keep everyone else out of sight. Simple really." He whispered back subtly, walking towards the edges of the grove. 

"It all seems to depend on me, doesn't it?" Sophie whispered back sarcastically. "Easy." Keefe shrugged, just as Biana grabbed Sophie's hand tight, waiting for her to activate her enhancing.

Sophie unlocked her mental wall to her hands, and instantly felt a surge of electric-hot energy spark between them. Biana gritted her teeth, for although it was not the first time she'd done this, Sophie's powers had been building, storing, increasing for weeks. The energy flowed faster than ever, racing to the surface and tingling, liquidising the light for both Biana and her. Sophie opened her mind to everyone else's thoughts, battling the weariness that was already setting in.

"Help!" Sophie cried, doing her best to mimic Jensi's voice, for she'd only heard it a few times. She did her best though, and ended up with a pretty solid imitation. Sophie waited a few minutes before letting out her shout again, this time remembering to cover her friends with shadows. She began to shake a tiny but, but Sophie ignored that, pooling her emotions best she could. 

The crack of someone stepping on a twig came to Sophie's ears, as she focused on trying to lock onto their thoughts. After a minute, she could tell it was Fintan, so Sophie built up as much energy as she could, trying to focus it on his forehead. Sophie let out a shudder, sending as much his way as she could. Drained, Sophie pulled away from Biana, racing towards them. Sophie whizzed around to see a flash of white light encase her, reaching for the dome, pulling her finger back instantly when she felt the shock.

Sophie felt her shadows slip, revealing everyone else. Sophie let out a gasp, trying frantically to swirl her shadows back into form, break through the force-field. This time, Sophie let out another cry for help, this time in her own voice. Laughter echoed in her ears, as Sophie heard them shouting at her.

"Run Sophie, teleport away!" Sophie heard someone shout from behind her. Sophie tried to open the crack, do everything she could to escape, but she couldn't do it - as if her abilities had broken down. That was probably what had happened, as she'd been doing everything like crazy. She heard people shouting at her, but she covered her ears, watching and waiting.

A few seconds later, Sophie saw a bulky figure racing towards them, followed swiftly in tow by a much younger boy. One of them seemed to be a goblin, throwing stars in all directions, or at least that was what it seemed to Sophie. The boy was shooting orbs of colour out of his hands at the others, presumably Ruy and Fintan. Sophie's force-field unraveled at her touch, as Sophie began to fall into unconsciousness. Sophie grunted, watching the pair run away, but also someone fall to the ground. She didn't know who it was, but she knew someone was dead as she slipped into the depths of unconsciousness, falling deeper down, down, down.


Yet another chapter, with a bit more action this time. I don't know how you all managed to comment and read this at about 1am, and I dunno if you'll do it this time. I enjoyed writing this chapter.

I've been thinking about writing another book. It's called shifter (or probably a better name) and it's about a girl called Maddy Edams, a girl who just moved to a new home who's hiding a big secret. What do you think? If you wanna know more about my ideas, ask in the comments, but what do you think? Should I write it? It wouldn't affect the schedule of this story, as I normally finish the chapter early, but do you guys want it? If you don't, then I'll write it, but not publish it. If I get 5 people who say they want it, then I'll publish it.

Anyway, this chapter is dedicated to @anastasiaisawsome for their incessant fingerling (or fanboying) of Sotam. Im sorry, but the ships are already decided. Sorry, but you're a bit too late.

Anyhow, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Include 'Sandor' in your comment to show you read this far. Bye!

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