12. He Tian

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His grandfather called him. Said if he's not doing anything, why not come home and help them harvest vegetables and distribute them out to their buyers. Said it'd pay for his debts, that one with him stealing the vegetable he himself helped to plant.

He's aware that his grandfather is just looking for an excuse for him to stick around. He said he'd drop by.

What awaited him in their garden was a sleeping Mo Guan Shan, sprawled under the shade of their plum tree. The maid told him when he arrived that his grandfather's inside talking with his friends. Cars were parked outside so he deduced that maybe his old classmates were there for a drinking party.

So what was that red bean doing in their garden?

He stared at the boy's sleeping face and bent down to kiss him on the lips without second thought before he strutted down the path towards the house.

He met his mother, busily ordering their helpers to choose the best seafood and prepare good quality beef tongue for their guests.

"Is the president coming?"

"With all this fuss going on he'd better not be late," his mother countered his joke and hugged him.

"I went straight to the garden because he said we're harvesting and it turns out he's entertaining."

"We can't help it. One of their friends died so they're worried about who's going next."

"Definitely not grandpa."

"Nope. Certainly not."

They laughed. His mother told him to get dressed and greet the visitors and he did. It's difficult to deal with grandfathers eagerly pushing pictures of their granddaughters to him and thinking of appropriate responses to not be rude and embarrass his grandfather.

When He Tian finally cornered his grandfather, he asked about that sleeping guy outside.

"I told him to wait a bit but I got saddled up with these old farts so I completely forgot."

"That is extremely rude, gramps."

"I know, I know. Poor kid."

"How much are you paying him, anyway?"

"I don't," the old man grinned as if he's gloating. He Tian cast him a disapproving look. "Oh, don't look at me like that. You really think I accept free service? I have big plans for good kids and you of all people should know."

He Tian laughed. His grandfather may be a bit wacky but that's what makes him the best.

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