1. He Tian

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He just happened to overhear him talking about cucumbers and tomatoes with his close friends. It wasn't a euphemism. He simply loved those kind of vegetables, he said.

He Tian doesn't care about fate, but he knew that the information's pretty convenient for him because their family grew vegetables. It's a hobby but their field could also support their family even if, supposedly, his father stops working. Or maybe he's just exaggerating but they supply fresh vegetables to select grocer and he makes the deliveries himself. Sometimes his brother would help too, whenever he's on off duty. Their mother pays them for the job.

So he decided. He would wake up at dawn to pick the best cucumbers and tomatoes. The best time to put those gifts on Mo Guanshan's table is when nobody's still around so he would also go to school earlier than usual.

It became quite a buzz on the first time because everybody went on speculating and asking everyone who might have seen Mo Guanshan's weird admirer.

"Who do you think was it, He Tian?" asked a girl seatmate. "Weird taste, right?"

"Dunno. But what's so bad about cucumbers anyway."

The girl blushed and stared at the cool, raven-haired boy.

"I don't mind eating your cucumber . . ."

He Tian smirked but he badly needed a smoke. This girl's just one of those girls who would shamelessly say those things to him just because he's "public property".

Weeks passed and it happened everyday. He Tian's pretty impressed with his own ninja moves. Nobody has discovered him so far and it wasn't as if nobody's doing an effort to go to school earlier than usual to catch the culprit redhanded.

His classmates would say that whoever discovers the identity of the mysterious vegetable man would become the school's hero. He would only scoff when his friends would talk to him about it, pretending he doesn't care a bit. After all, who in their right minds would suspect him of doing something as lame as that?

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