4. He Tian: Mo Guan Shan: He Tian

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He Tian

It was a normal night, just one of his nocturnal activities, when he happened to pass by Mo Guanshan asking a couple to reconsider the cancellation of their order. The couple complained that he was two minutes late so it's either they get the food on-the-house or they just cancel. Mo Guanshan left with the food and He Tian felt the urge to bash the man's face into the grimy concrete. But he's got no time to get in trouble when Mo Guanshan's getting away.

He found him eating in the park and shamelessly sat at the other side of the bench, picked up a disposable chopstick and started eating.

"Ahhh. So hungry."

Mo Guanshan

It took him by surprise. He Tian just barged in his pathetic silence and ate his food. If he's gonna pay for it, might as well eat it than give it away for free. That damned couple just has no idea how hard it is for the likes of him when the orders get cancelled, especially with the size of their establishment.

"Ahhh. So hungry," said He Tian as he started stuffing his mouth with sweet and sour pork. Mo Guanshan speechlessly looked at him in shock before finally exploding.

"What the hell are you doing?"

He Tian looked at him as if he's the one not making any sense.

"I'm eating."

"It's my food."

"I know. That's why I'm accompanying you. Seriously, great food."

Mo Guanshan sighed as a sign of giving up.

"Why are you eating here, anyway? Are you a hobo?"

"Bastard. Stop asking stupid questions," Mo Guanshan said while staring at He Tian's stuffed face. The guy smelled faintly of alcohol and smoke and he looked like he's really starving. He caught himself smiling and stopped.

"Hey, He Tian! Your boyfriend?" called a guy passing by with three other guys.

Mo Guanshan looked at He Tian with a frown.

He Tian laughed and didn't meet his eyes while waving a hand as if brushing off a fly.

"Nah. Just a classmate I mugged in an empty alley."

"Oh. Thought you broke up with me cause of that guy. It'd seriously hurt my pride," the guy said while roaring in laughter. His companions joined in but Mo's brain was too confused to even try to make out what they're saying. He felt like his face was burning. What are they talking about? They're both guys! What the fuck is wrong with He Tian, playing along with a joke like that?!

"Nah. You just suck in bed, is all." After downing a can of coke, He Tian stood up without looking at him. He's got his back on the lamp post so Mo Guanshan can't make out his expression except for the dark shadows falling on his face. "Gotta get outta here, Little Mo. See you in school."

"Fu-fuck ---fag!" Mo shouted without thinking. He was just so shaken by the conversation.

He Tian smiled and it gave him chills.

He Tian

If only the ground could swallow him whole so he wouldn't see Mo Guanshan's horrified reaction.

Note: Grammar sucks but too lethargic to think. Just writing the scenarios that pop up while it's raw.

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