30. Rain

515 20 2

She Li

Of all nights, the sky chose to pour the shit down on him when he's most likely going to be sleeping outside. He clenched his teeth in irritation while putting the hood of his jacket in place. Good thing he borrowed it before slipping out. Bad thing is that it's not waterproof so now he's soaking wet.

Fucking wet and freezing, sitting alone on a swing in the middle of a dark children's park. Maybe he should just die and get it over with.


She Li thought people were exaggerating when they called him black cat because he's unlucky but deep down inside, he understood what they meant.

Of all the places, he was tucked inside a cramped room owned by someone who's probably friends with that guy's fucking brother. No taking chances when it comes to that stoic idiot. The thing with being too big of a person for this annoyingly small world is that he's got to be related to a lot of people. The white-haired guy should've seen it coming but admittedly, he was too distracted by comfort to think about his doomed fortune.

She Li just happened to see them coming out from a posh car while he's walking back from a quick trip from the convenience store. He snuck out to buy some underpants but now he guess there's really no sneaking back.

And the mother cooks well too. His own mother didn't cook for him and it somehow made him sentimental. Although he wouldn't be caught writing it in his diary if he ever kept one.

Ah. It's cold.

He'd miss that tiny bed.

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