7. Mo Guan Shan

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Mo Guan Shan barely noticed He Tian's absence. He's too busy with his girlfriend and his part-time job to bother about other things. It would suffice to say that he's been absorbed in his own heavenly bubble lately.

"Aww. Playing basketball without He Tian's just too sad," complained Jian Yi as he slumped on his best friends back.

"Yeah. Especially since you suck so much," muttered Zhan Zheng Xi after drinking from his water bottle.

"Huh? What happened to him?" Mo asked without lifting his head off his phone. Xue Chen's been sending him pictures of her cleavage.

"You serious?!"

"Yup. Haven't seen him. Thought he'd died or something."

"Dude. What kind of a friend are you? He transferred like, a week ago."

Mo Guan Shan knitted his brows in confusion. Why would that guy transfer all of a sudden?

"Was he being bullied or what?" he asked, ignoring his phone for the first time that day. Jian Yi snorted before laughing hysterically.

"Who would bully that guy? No, no. He said his Uncle needed someone to occupy his condo in the city so his dad sent him."

"Just like that?"

"Yup. Pretty crazy huh. But he said he'd invite us some time when he's finally settled."

Something has been bugging him about their conversation earlier. That was a fucking lame excuse to transfer schools and leave his friends for a condo. Not that he's one of those friends he's thinking about. They're not really close and he feels like a lowley peasant next to He Tian.

"You've been spacing out since you got here. Are you okay?" Xue Chen asked and touched his cheek. Mo Guan Shan flinched and absentmindedly smiled. "Is something bothering you?"

"It's nothing. I remembered my mom asked me to pick up some groceries for dinner. I should go," Mo Guan Shan blurted out his lie without much consideration. It came out quite convincing but Xue Chen pouted.

"But we just got here" she pulled him closer and kissed him on his lips. "I've been thinking about you the whole day, babe."

Mo Guan Shan felt his guilt choke his words out of him. He's been thinking about somebody else totally unrelated to him all day.

Xue Chen groped him and gently massage his groin with her wonderfully light hand. He felt himself grow hard in response.

They've been doing it for weeks now and Xue Chen seems to be enjoying it so he's not holding back. It's fun and it feels good,and it would be rude to do it half-assed. They even watch porn just to learn and explore different styles. Who knew Xue Chen was such a pervert too?

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