Chapter 4 °Weekends are for the boys°

Start from the beginning

You turn your attention to Kenma. "I had a surprise that I was going to give you later, but I can't wait so here!"

Kenma looks at your hand and his eyes looked as though they would pop out. "It's the original Nintendo 3DS." He shut his DS off and looked at you surprised.

"How did you get this?" He said taking it from your hands and turning it on. You laugh a little and put you hand on your hip.

"My mom's boss gifted me this for my birthday." You glance over at Kuroo. He was just as shocked as Kenma. "I'm pretty sure he was just buttering my mom up though." You closed and locked your door and headed twords the train.

Kenma was in shock. He wasn't sure what to do or say. He looked up at you and your smile was so bright, it was almost like the sun.

"You can have it Kozume-kun! I don't ever use it." You say. He reminded you of Hinata but quieter, which makes you smile even more.

"Kenma is fine."

You feel kuroo pull at your shirt as you turn a corner. "Kenma never gives his first name to new people." He raised his eyebrows at Kenma "he must really like you"

You and Kuroo turn your heads to Kenma. His eyes were practically glued to the game. "Well I'm glad. Oh kuroo-kun!" You pull on his jacket and he looks back down at you. "Where are we going?"

He smirks and put his finger to his lips. "It's a secret"

You all walk in comfortable silence for a bit before boarding the train. Kuroo drops his arm around your shoulders and pulls you closer. You look up at him confused and he leans down to whisper in your ear, "I saw some pervs looking at you, act normal."

You thought he was just being kind, so your shrugged it off. There was a perv looking at you, but Kuroo also wanted a reason to put his arm around you. A small smile spread across his face.

Kenma was really good at that game. You pull away from Kuroo and look over his shoulder. He tensed up a bit. "Oh sorry Kenma-san, I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable." You say going back to Kuroo's side.

"No it's fine. D-do you want to play?" Kenma asked. He wasn't sure if that was the right thing to do. "She doesn't play anymore, why would she want to play?"

"Sure! Whatcha playin?" You ask stepping back beside him. He blushes slightly and shows you how to play. As you two play your game, Kuroo-kun watches over you.

After a few minutes Kuroo interrupts you two. "This is where we get off!" Kuroo said as he pulled you and Kenma off the train.

"So..." You say looking up at Kuroo, "where are we going?" You ask yet again. You hated secrets.

He rolls his eyes and pats you on the head. "Don't worry Small Fry. We'll be there soon." You cross your arms and pout a little.

The surrounding area was just a little bit bigger than your little town. You wonder what could be here that you guys would be doing.

"We're here Y/n." You turn around and look at what's in front of you. Your eyes go wide and you almost jump with excitement.

"An Arcade!!!" This time you actually did jump. You ran inside and there were so many games! "This is so cool!"

Kuroo and Kenma walk up next to you. "I always take Kenma here when we're in town. I was hoping you would like it" You definitely did!

You had no idea Kenma was so good at every game! You tried to challenge him a few times but every time he would win by a landslide.

"Ugh Kenma-san! How are you so good?!" You ask smacking your head on one of the games as Kuroo patted your back.

He shrugs his shoulders, "I don't know. It's easy."

•Paradise Bound• ~ Tsukishima X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now