0.It Started With A "Hello"

Start from the beginning

Even if people would immediately say that Fury was a cold, cold and heartless man, he was still a human with emotions, even if they were locked away for the good of the people.

And now, back to the lesbian couple, it has been over 4 hours since Lyla had gone to labor, and finally, she and her "husband" let out a sigh of relief as they listened to the cries of their newborn baby!

The nurse, who was a friend of theirs, was elated as she wiped away the blood off the baby, excited to hand it over to its mother. However, it would be bad to call the baby it, as it was now confirmed to be a girl!

Now, with the baby wrapped up in a blanket, the nurse gently handed her over to Lyla. And Lyla, still surprisingly having energy after such a long time, gingerly accepted the baby in her arms.

Hugging the baby affectionately, Lyla had tears in her eyes as she looked at her baby's gem like eyes, similar to hers, but from the small tuff of hair on her head, she could tell that it came from Fury, as no one in her family had any other natural hair color other than golden blonde. However, it was great to know that her baby's hair at least resembled Daniel's, so that she would have something to remind her when she(the baby) grows up and they(the parents) have to leave her to fend for her own.

Then, with Danial not being able to keep her excitement to herself, she hugged Lyla from behind, making sure to add their daughter in her embrace. It was quite a surprise that their daughter had a fair skin tone, but they did remember that Lyla herself used to have fair skin. She just forgot after having tanned skin for most of her life.

Daniel: "Well ain't she just adorable."

With an adoring smile, she gently caressed her daughter's head, the child herself falling into a deep slumber, as any other newborn would do.

Lyla: "That she is."

Agreeing with her "husband", Lyla smiled lovingly at the two. Behind her Daniel, her "husband", and in her arms was their daughter.

Daniel: "Hehe. We have a daughter. We have a daughter. Hehehe!"

Hearing her "husband" being giddy and all, Lyla rolled her eyes and lightly, or rather, weakly knocked her on the head.

Daniel: "Hey! What was that for!"

Rolling her eyes once more, Lyla huffed as she peeped at her daughter.

Lyla: "Shut up. She's about to sleep."

Hearing this, Daniel slightly panicked as she realized something. Lightly shaking Lyla's back, she catched her attention, but Daniel had to receive the brunt of Lyla's glare.

Lyla: "What!?"

She whisper-shouted, not wanting to disturb the baby that was still slowly succumbing to sleep.

Daniel: "Her name! Let her hear her name!"

Lyla was quite irritated, their daughter needed to sleep, but she thought that it was best to appease her "husband", this was supposed to be one of the best days of their lives. She didn't want to be a grouch and just complied with Daniel.

Lyla: "Then...be well, Freyja."

Then, as if understanding what was going on, the baby, now named Freyja, slightly widened her droopy eyes, and gave her parents a dazzling smile. The parents, surprised as they were, returned their daughter's smile.

Having watched this display since the beginning, Fury, as cold as he was, let out a small smile, his eyes showing a hint of nostalgia, before disappearing and being replaced with his usual calmness. Walking up to the couple, Fury nodded as he caught the attention of the three, the baby only tilting her head slightly, her eyes now barely open.

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