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Jungkook's point of view

we made it to the flower shop just as Hoseok and Yoongi were getting things ready for the day. Jimin Hyung had pulled the car up to the front of the shop to drop me off but I merely looked back at him with a pout

"aw honey, I know you're tired but you got this! I'll be there the entire time~"

my pout lessened a little, it was still there, but I nodded and left the car heading to the shops' doors. As soon as I walked in I was greeted by both my Hyung's

"morning Gguk! Ready for today?" Hoseok Hyung said in his usual peppy voice

not in the mood for talking, I nodded my head in response getting a laugh out Yoongi Hyung. Yoongi explained to me that my outfit was in the back. I walked to the back and seeing only one outfit left in one of the small cubbies.

it was a pale orange apron and a white shirt. Luckily for me, I packed pants this morning in my bag, apparently morning me remembered about work but evening me didn't.

after changing and walking to the main part of the store I bumped into Hoseok Hyung who was apparently looking for me.

"ah! Jeongguk-ah I was looking for you! Here, your tools. They're just basic tools for planting and getting pulling out new flowers. we'll teach you everything don't worry! But for now, we gotta open up shop, follow me." Hoseok explained.

Hoseok walked to the counter at the front of the shop with me following him, explaining that all I had to do was take their orders while they took care of the flowers since it was my first day. I am more than content with this plan because I was dead tired and I just wanted cuddles.

soon 3:00 rolled around and people were now allowed to walk into the shop. A certain person being able to go inside the shop though was Jimin. (I don't think that made sense but it sounded right in my head...) as soon as Jiminie walked in I gave him a hug which I desperately needed.

"aw, have you been waiting for me bun?"

I simply nodded my head against his chest. hHe laughed and unwrapped his hands that were around my waist.

"alright go and work, I'll be right here," he said while kissing my forehead

we both looked around when we heard four distinct sounds of someone taking a picture. I looked to my right to see Yoongi and Hoseok taking pictures of us. Hoseok looked at his phone and showed Yoongi the pictures before squealing.

"you guys are so cute! Yoonie why can't we be like that?" he said while looking down to the said man and pouting a little. Yoongi kissed the pout on Hoseok's lips and chuckled

"well sorry, now get working."

"what that's it? All I get is a kiss and they get all the cute stuff? Not fair!" he whined while he got poutier.

after work because ya boi has no idea what to do

as soon as they closed the shop up I ran to the employee room to throw off my clothes and put Hyungies clothes back on. I quickly folded my uniform before running out to Jimin, grabbing his hand, and running to the car. All I wanted was cuddles, was that too much to ask for?

once we safely made it into the car and in our proper seats Jimin looked over to me, I was already buckled up in the time span of 30 seconds, and laughed at me being ready. I pouted before whining to him and he continued his laughter.

"c'mon I wanna go to your place," I said to him hoping his laughter would stop and we could finally go. Thankfully it did.

as soon as his laughter slowed down he finally put the key into the car, small giggles coming out here and there. While we were driving Jimin put his hand on mine which surprised me and caused a small fit of giggles. When I calmed down I interlocked our hands together instead of his just on top of mine.

I noticed it was a little quiet so I started looking around in Jimin's car for an aux cord. I had the best music so of course, he would enjoy it too. And if not? well, too bad.

I found a charger cord in the small cubby in the car and jammed the plug into my phone and the aux. Jimin glanced over to see what I was doing but put his focus back onto the road.

"I don't want you breaking my car honey, calm down," he said to me while chuckling

I laughed and started playing BigBang songs and Charlie Puth songs. 'We Don't Talk Anymore' suddenly came on and I immediately got into the song, jamming out, singing, all the fun stuff. Soon I heard Jimin Hyung join too and I stopped singing just to hear his voice.

I stared at him in awe. His voice was so pretty and graceful. I didn't know I was staring until he caught me in my train of thought.

"why'd you stop singing? Your voice is so pretty!" he said while pouting.

I laughed, "your voice is amazing too Hyungie!~" I said to him before continuing to sing along.

four songs later we made it to Jiminies apartment and now was my time to shine. We made it inside his room and I started to give out small orders. I was only here twice but I knew my way around the house.

"Jimin go make some snacks, popcorn, chips, candy, whatever it'll be. I'm going to go get blankets, pillows, and a ton of movies."

he smiled before agreeing. I set off to find as many blankets as I could carry and then went to the storage closet to find all the movies. I, of course, picked out marvel movies and some sad romance movies because who doesn't like those?

I made my way back to his small living room and set everything up. A couple of minutes of waiting later Jimin finally made his way into the living room holding a bowl of popcorn and some sodas. We both made ourselves comfortable, with me laying on Jimin's chest and both of us wrapped in blankets.

I started 'End Game' and cuddled further into Jimin Hyung. he snaked his arms around my waist and pulled me into his lap. These were the cuddles I've been waiting for.


1183 words total

during this whole quarantine thing, you'd think people would want to work on Wattpad 24/7 since there's nothing else to do so you're expecting stories to be updated all the time. lol just kidding take your time folks :)

should I write smut? 0-0 I have a plan if I did but I'm not sure if I should >~<


also when I finish this book, I'm not sure what book I want to publish next. I'm excited to publish all them! I need help •3•

have a good day/evening/night~

「 Flowers for Love 」  jjk x pjmㅣ COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now