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Jeongguk's point of view

today was a Sunday and also the day after my "interview" with Hoseok Hyung and Yoongi Hyung. I didn't want to make any wrong assumptions but I had the feeling Hoseok and Yoongi were dating. I mean they could just be best friends that act gay around each other and like someone else but they could be dating so I don't know. They just gave off...dating vibes...

it was raining today so instead of going out today and doing something, like I wanted to, I decided to just stay inside and work. By work I mean read a book, draw, or do the homework I decided to forget about yesterday. But who wants to do homework in the morning? Not me, so I chose the book option. So I put on my reading glasses and grabbed a book, sat on the bed and started reading.

my stomach didn't agree though with my choice. Its choice was food. I put a bookmark into my book and went to the kitchen. When I opened the fridge I noticed that I didn't have anything good. All I had were some pieces of chicken from Friday nights dinner and some random condiments. Maybe while me and Jimin Hyung were out I could've bought my own groceries.

I changed into some jeans and a hoodie. While was I finishing changing I looked out the window and noticed that the rain had stopped falling so I left the house with only my wallet and myself. As I was walking I was making mental notes of the things I needed and in the middle of making notes, I found myself in front of the shopping mart without realizing it. I walked in and grabbed a basket and began shopping.

I was doing shopping like a normal person would, except I'm clumsy. I had accidentally dropped a milk carton when standing next to someone and it might've spilled all over and gotten on their shoes and his socks. I quickly looked up to see a super tall man with a surprised face.

"oh, my fruitcakes I'm so sorry mister! Here I can clean this up I'll go get some paper towels from the bathroom. Is there any way I can pay you back? I really am sorry!"

"no don't worry, you're fine!" the tall man said while smiling, which showed off the dimples he had. "my names Kim Namjoon, here have my number so we can talk about this sometime. I'm kind of in a rush so you don't have to worry about anything right now."

I slowly nodded my head, wanting to pay him back now in case I forgot or he forgot. I looked out the window and noticed that it had started raining again which gave me an idea.

"h-hey! It started r-raining again, so what if I bought you an u-umbrella if you dont have one?"

he started looking around as if he lost something important.

"gosh dang it, I knew I forgot something! Jinnie told me to bring it too" he said while mumbling

I was almost too caught up in what he was doing before I realized he said a familiar name. Jinnie...wasn't that the big shouldered man at the cafe me, Taetae, and Jimin Hyung went to?

"wait Jinnie? As in Kim Seokjin?"

"uh, yeah do you know him?"

"yes b-but not too well," I said while looking down, suddenly feeling embarrassed that I knew the man.

Namjoon Hyung (well im guessing Hyung) thought for a minute before lifting his head up and turning to face me

"how about you buy me an umbrella and meet me and some others for coffee sometime? You can even bring some other people in case you feel uncomfortable."

「 Flowers for Love 」  jjk x pjmㅣ COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now