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Jimin's point of view

me and Taehyung sat there in silence for a while after Jeongguk left. I didn't know what to say to him anyway, neither did Taehyung. Well, if anything, we didn't know where to start. There was so much. Why did he start liking Jeongguk? When did he start liking Jeongguk? He knew I liked him so why did he suddenly say all this?

"I'm sorry."

I quickly turned around hearing his voice, "pardon?"

"I'm...sorry" he repeated once more

"what for?"

"you were right. It was weird of me to suddenly say I started liking Jeongguk out of nowhere but I have a reason for it." he paused while I nodded for him to continue, "t-the reason is that I thought it would lose my feelings for...S-Seokjinnie Hyung..."

Kim Taehyung. Liking our oldest Hyung. Seokjin Hyung? This is new.

"since when? Don't worry I'm not mad anymore Tae, I just want to know."

"I know, weird right? I've actually l-liked him for some time, I just could never tell him. Who would like their best friend whos weird and likes someone who is absolutely perfect."

"hmm. Well, first of all, you are amazing even if you did lie about who you liked, but let me think for a second. I might be able to think of something that might work out for both of us.." I thought for a little while Taehyung looked at me but I'm guessing trying to figure out something as well. We were both thinking of things before something came to me.

"Tae, I have an idea."


Taehyung's point of view

I knew Jeongguk couldn't stay at his own house for long since he still lived with his mother, he wouldn't want to stand her talking to him 24/7 about why he looked annoyed. The next place I knew he would go to was Seokjin's house. whenever Seokjin Hyung was around, it was like they just clicked. They talked about stuff called a drag race and James Charles. I don't know why they're talking about cars but it's cool, I still love Seokjin Hyung.

me and Jiminie had walked up to the door and just I was about to knock I hesitated. What if Jeongguk didn't forgive me? I don't know the rest of Jimin's plan other than to try and get Jeongguk to forgive me and at least listen to me. But what if he doesn't? I'd lose my lifetime best friend. What if-

"hey you gonna knock or just stand there with your fist at the door like an idiot?"

I lowered my hand from the door to slap him in the arm before going to knock once more. His time, I did knock and a couple of seconds later, I heard a small patter of footsteps coming towards the door. The footsteps suddenly stopped and I was about to knock again until the door opened revealing the face of Jeon Jeongguk.

he looked up at me with slight annoyance in his face before looking over at Jimin, his face softening a bit before going to the look before he had with me.

"w-what do you two want" he said sternly

"Jeonggukie we just want to talk-" I started

「 Flowers for Love 」  jjk x pjmㅣ COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now