Chapter 6

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-2 months later-

Today is the day of the reaping, even though it will only involve Haymitch, Peeta and I. And oh yeah, the baby. We haven't told anyone about the baby, not even my mother or Prim. I don't want to worry them and quite frankly, it is no one else's business, especially not the capitols or snow's.

As peacekeepers surround Haymitch, Peeta and I, we walk up to the front of the stage. The whole of district 12 is watching us. I'm sure they feel bad for us. Peeta gives me a quick hug and kiss and walks  to his side of the stage. The atmosphere in  district 12 is dull. Not a single soul smiling. Not this year. I mean usually, not many people are happy or cheery, but you do get the odd person who goes around, betting on what kid will be chosen. But this year there is none of that.

We can usually rely on Effie to be cheery and try to lighten the mood but even she isn't her normal self.  Then she repeats what she says every year, about the rebellion and the districts. Finally, she says her usual phrase, ladies first.

She places her hand into the bowl and picks up the one slip of paper then has my name on it. "Katniss Everdeen" she calls out. As me name is called out, a tear trickles down my cheek. "Yeah, Katniss Everdeen and child" I think to myself.

I stand next to Effie who gives me a look of sorrow. She lets out a sigh. "And now for the boys."

suddenly I feel sick. I don't no whether its the pregnancy or all the stress I am feeling right now but I know I need to throw up. NOW. I know the peacekeepers wont let me go to the bathroom during a reaping but to go on the side of the stage. I dash to the edge and chuck my guts up. The crowd all gasp in shock that I would throw up in the middle of the reaping.

Peeta sees what has happened and runs towards me to rub my back and comfort me. This is so embarrassing. The whole of Panem will see this. Katniss Everdeen, the girl on fire, vomiting during a reaping. I stand up, give Peeta a quick hug an return to me place.

Effie tries to continue with the reaping, although it is a bit hard after the commotion.  "Anyway, so the male tribute is, Haymitch Abernathy." That's when Peeta volunteers to take Haymitch's place. Peeta walks over to me and gives me a reassuring hug and kiss. Effie stammers, trying to break us up to get the reaping over. "Um...and here we are, our tributes from district 12, Katniss Everdeen and Peeta Mellark."

We are not allowed to see our families and are sent straight to the train. Ugh I hate that place.

Me, Peeta, Haymitch and Effie all sit down in the main cart. That's when Haymitch starts. "What the hell was that, being sick during the reaping, you know the whole of Panem are going to see this! You know sweetheart my job is to try and make you look great so you can actually try and win these games but your making my life pretty darn hard right now. I know your pregnant but come on!"

I just sit back in my chair and sigh. "Sorry." I say, sounding very unconvincing. "I couldn't help it."

That's when Effie pipes up. "What! Katniss is pregnant!?"

I sigh. Suddenly I feel very nauseous and rush off the bathroom. Again, Peeta is right behind me, supporting me and giving me kisses. I cant be bothered to get up, I feel all my energy is drained, mentally and physically, so I just sit on the bathroom floor, leaning my head on Peeta's shoulder while he wraps his strong arms around me. He kisses my forehead multiple times. "Your so brave and amazing, I love you Katniss, don't ever forget that." I give him a weak smile "I love you more."

"Impossible," He smiles.

I look down at my body and see much its changed. My boobs have become a lot larger over the 2 months and my stomach has become more swollen, but not huge. Peeta rests his hands on my belly and rubs it gently. "I cant believe there is actually life inside you!" He exclaims.

I sit and smile. "I cant believe it either" I say with a slight grin across my face.


HIIIII :) aw Katniss and Peeta are having a baby, so cute!!! Anyways I hope you are enjoying this story, leave a comment on how much you like this :) Thanks for reading, see you guys in the next chapter, BYEEEEEEE!!!!

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